Cars and Coffee


New member
Feb 5, 2016
Reaction score
Just returned from driving 240 miles round trip to attend cars and coffee only to find it was cancelled three weeks ago. Did I miss the notification?

At this point, on behalf of Autogeek, all I can do is apologize.

I try as hard as I can to hit 100% success at everything I do and I'm sorry to say I don't hit the mark.

January, February and March are crazy busy for me personally here at Autogeek with,

  • Detail Fest
  • 2-Day Boat Detailing Class
  • 3-Day Car Detailing Class
  • Detail Fest

It's not just the dates of the events, it's all the behind the scenes work that goes with them plus my other job duties, like answering a new person on the forum how to remove swirls, which I do quite often.

Suffice to say, I think the company had a plan to get the word out that cars and coffee would be cancelled for this Saturday due to my boat class, (which the guys and Lindsey, are all out in the garage eating lunch while I type this), but I'm not sure we were able to get the word out as best as we could.

Apologies for the imperfect communication.

Mike: Apology accepted! Next time will check in advance. Thanks for the response. Jim