Competition Ready -Vol 2


New member
Oct 16, 2015
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So when the “lord of polishers” posted another thread about looking for the best team ever of course you want to be on.

I of course want everyone else to be able to have the honor of being on the show so I just posted that id be free if needed and just looked to the skies for my calling.

Well the calling came and I of course was thrilled, again not only to see mike and the production crew again but to meet more forum members.
I have a bad habit of getting really excited and overlooking obvious things, for one WHOS cars we would be working on, i didn’t even pay attention to who it was, then didn’t even look at the names in detail about who they were. I just glanced at the last names and moved on, well to my surprise I was going to be working side by side to some of the most talented people on the business, I mean look at this guys (try not to get to caught up with Darren’s muscles)

So going into this one I was way more comfortable and little to no nervousness at all, I got to the located after dealing with the headache of LA traffic. When I arrived there were 2 others already waiting. Ashley comes out to start our paperwork and take out mug shots. We go into the site location and put our bags down and change our shirts. I say my hellos to Mike and Yancy and Aj starts filming some bits for the show. I walk around and take some pics of Adams Awesome “Man Cave”

Shortly after we got all the gear together and get briefed for the show, we were given team jobs (wheel team, leather team, engine team and so on) we all got onto our tasks with the biggest difference and best difference for me was that we were actually going to be able to correct the defects on these cars. The last time yes we got to use polishers but it was just a few areas and only got to use “peanut polishers” this time.. this time was different we were able to use the new FLEX 15 mm throw polishers and use a great line up of Sonax products. These products not only worked great but were easy to use and did an amazing job at what they were designed to do. The steps that Sonax takes to ensure they only have the highest quality in all aspects of their products definitely shows.

In the end we took these cars to swirled and even some paint burned messes into high money earning, high shining beauties

Before I just load the rest of this thread with a ton of pictures I wanted to share something with everyone. While it’s great to be on the set of a TV show, meeting amazing people and working on cars that id normally not be working on from day to day. The part of this experience that I enjoyed the most was the “after show” being able to go to dinner with fellow detailers, forum members new and old (Sergio) and of course Mike and Yancy was just amazing. Getting to know everyone on a more personal level, really getting to know them and their personalities was just so great. Talking to Yancy about simple things like peppers going up. Hearing stories from other detailers about what they are going through and how we can all help each other out. Mike telling us about his experiences and why something’s are how they are really just change your outlook on a lot of things. Being asked your personal option about the show and what you wish was done or what you think should be different and just general inputs really means a lot. As I said in the beginning this is not my first time on the show and I hope it’s not my last but I will always let someone who’s never experienced this take a slot any time of day before I go on again. I have to really give a huge thanks to Autogeek and what they do not only for us Geeks but just the everyday consumer. Mike used the term “bolt on guys” and “bolt on and finish guys” I normally called these two groups “show” or “go” guys. I’ve always been a Show guy, always wanting to look the best rather than be the fastest. Detailing has so many issues and misconceptions and trying to get the everyday Joe to understand these has long been a struggle. But Autogeek is trying to change that and ensure everyone is educated on detailing and that anyone can do it. so much time and so many resources go into what they do so that they can provide us with so many great things, not just in products but with this forum, videos and even the customer service. I’ll admit I sometimes get items from other sites, sometimes sister sites sometimes not, but I always come back to Autogeek and I try to do my best to say thank you not only with my wallet but with my experiences, and any knowledge I can share with anyone willing to read it. So Autogeek thank you for all you have done for me and all that you do for us to keep us shining.


Mike i felt the "second burn" come morning time

is that a plane or a bird or is it the BOSS in the sky?! :p
Nice write up and great photos. It was funny that I got the call sheet when I didn't sign up and JustJesus did. There was a mix up but glad it worked out for him.

Hope they get the name right when the show airs. Nobody will know the real Guz if the mix up stuck around lol.

Great job by the team.
Hi Freddy aka Cruzscarwash,

Thanks for posting the pictures you took and sharing your experience being on this shoot and working with this team of guys.

I agree with everything you wrote.

I have my own comments to add and my own pictures to add but it's been a very busy last two months with not only shooting 4 brand new episodes of Competition Ready but also teaching classes and working at the below events,

Two Thursday night classes detailing cars to review new products and take pictures for Power Point Presentations (9 of them) for Mobile Tech Expo.

2017 Mobile Tech Expo - taught 8 classes, did SV testing for the IDA and demos in the AG booth plus all day Sunday after MTE participated in the IDA Board of Directors Meeting. Next day on Mondsy shot 5 new Gyeon videos and the next day flew to California for TV - that's a fairly busy schedule especially if you include all the communications logistics that take place behind the scenes.

The Classic Auto Show - This followed MTE. Flew from Florida to California- shot 2 TV shows, worked the show, flew back to Florida, one day off the set-up for my annual boat detailing class.

Marine 31 Boat Detailing Class. 20'students and one horrible condition 25' Bluewater Center Console.

Next week fly back out to California to shoot new episode of Competition Ready TV - 1955 Chevy for the Sacramento Autorama - our car took first place for Best Detail. Fly home for birthday weekend.

Competition Ready 3-Day detailing class - set-up for this takes 3 days, then class is three days. Over the three days my class details 15 cars, 10 of which are high dollar Streetrods, classics and muscle cars.

Monday after this class is IDA SV testing and clean up after the class plus greet car owners and "present" their Competition Ready detailed car.

Fly out to California to work with you and the rest of the team to buff out 2 Lambroghinis for Adam Corolla.

That brings us to today, one day after flying back from the Adam Corolla shoot.

During all of the above is a TON of physical logistics and communications logistics making all of the above happen and flow smoothly.

Due credit where credit is due and I could not accomplished any of the above without the great team of people helping out behind the scenes here at Autogeek. Including Meghan, Yancy, Andre, Travis, Lucas, James, Bryan, Danielle, Barbara, Juan, Chris and so many more including our GM Terry.

Just to note - the above is not complaining but just the opposite- I'm blessed to be this busy working with people I love in an industry I love and have invested my life into.

And with the above said (and typed out in an iPad - ugh) I'm taking today and tomorrow off and hanging out at the pool with my lovely wife Stacy.

Thanks again Freddy for sharing your pictures and experience and for also working so hard on the two Lambroghinis as did the entire team. Can't wait to see what they sell for at the upcoming R&M auction during the Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance.

Sunscreen on - check
BOSE Speaker charged - check
Beach towels- check
Sunglasses- check
Out the door - check

Awesome collection of cars. Two Muiras and the 350GT are classics, what is the other Lamborghini? He has great taste in cars. Darren Priest looks like he curls polishers all day.
Hi Mike, Cruz and team,

I have nothing but respect for all you do. After reading something like the posts above I usually need to go and take a take a nap!!!
But then for some strange reason---all of you gents create "energy" for us.

Hats off to you for the write up and thank you for sharing the experience with us!

Very nice Freddy I just feel blessed to had been part of this team an again Thankyou Mike, Autogeek,Sonax,Flex and all the people who make this happened
Good read, Cruz! Thanks for writing this up. In my usual manner, I'll be a little late making my own thread. D'OH.

Man, I really REALLY wanted to join you guys for dinner. Haven't had pizza and beer in years! (I don't drink much) BUT, I had my wife waiting for me at home, and we had planned a dinner together for that day.

Sounds like it was a good time. Another time, perhaps. :)
Awesome! Great posting, thanks for sharing.

And Adam " The Man Show Corolla" how cool is that!
Good read, Cruz! Thanks for writing this up. In my usual manner, I'll be a little late making my own thread. D'OH.

Man, I really REALLY wanted to join you guys for dinner. Haven't had pizza and beer in years! (I don't drink much) BUT, I had my wife waiting for me at home, and we had planned a dinner together for that day.

Sounds like it was a good time. Another time, perhaps. :)

you also missed Mike sucking air on these amazing Carolina reaper covered hot wings. I think Yancy called them the "Grim creeper wings"...?
:xyxthumbs::xyxthumbs: awsome pictures you all knocked it outta the park excellent job
Dang makes me feel even worse that I didn't get the call! Great write up. Looks like you guys had a blast. Phil