Fantastic Paint Overspray Remover


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Jul 22, 2013
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Ok I checked the AG store and they don't sell an equivalent to this product, so I feel comfortable talking about it.

I worked on a silver car this past weekend that had really bad yellow road paint overspray on the driver's side. It was in the front and rear wheel wells. It was all over the rocker panels (big blobs of paint) and the bottom half of the doors below the trim that was midway up the door. There was a light amount on both of the upper doors. The owner said that the paint had been there at least 1.5 years and probably more like 2 years.

I tried the normal route with clay bar and plastic razor/scrapers and was not getting anywhere. It took me about 2-3 hours just to get the upper doors clean which had the lightest amount of overspray. Hitting it with compound was not touching it either.

So I went to my local auto part stores. I found several products for vandal graffiti removal but none of them said they were okay to be used on automotive paint finishes it was just implied.


It is an ultra strong citrus based cleaner according to the description on the can and is made specifically for automotive paint finishes.

I sprayed it on a MF towel and then wiped the overspray and WOW! WOW! WOW!

The overspray comes off in about 1-3 wipes. Effortless. Like it was fresh paint.

I removed the overspray from the entire side of the car in about 20-30 min. I quick clay barring afterwards and there was no signs of yellow paint.

Just wanted to share with everyone.
I will always keep a can of this on hand from now on. If the over spray is more than a fine mist I am not even going to bother with clay bar anymore.
Thanks for the heads up... would have thought it might of left hazing; good find!
Goof Off products have a lot of solid uses. Just be aware when using them around plastics and trim work as they can eat through the plastics and ruin the finish. Grill surrounds, door moldings, etc. Painted and clear coated surfaces help protect the underlying plastics.

I once used it to clean off some stains on a my garage refrigerator shelf that transferred from a package of meats and it began to eat the plastic and finish.
Good tip but that was fresh road stripe paint splatter not over spray. Since it worked so well it should make short work of actual over spray.
You're right. It was splatter. And it was thick too.

I was leery about using it as these products always seemed like a diluted down paint stripper or something similar.

There are warnings about using it on lacquer paint and plastics. I washed down the panel afterwards and it has been polished. 6 days so far and nothing weird.

I only did about a 8x8 square on the unpainted black wheel well liners to see how it works. It removed it easily. I've been watching it to see if the plastic changes before doing the whole liner.

It is meant for use on basecoat/clearcoat systems and glass.

Removes automotive base/clear overspray, road paint, latex paint, stickers & decals, bugs, tree sap, tar , road grime, adhesives and glue removal

It took the built up tar on the bottom of the rocker panels right off with ease.

It has a very strong citrus smell and you need good ventilation.

This stuff really cuts through overspray/splatter.

I have been searching the WWW for advice on grey primer/base coat overspray on our vehicle it had to have a new front bumper and some paintwork to the front wing, however, we have noticed grey primer over spray immediately behind wing, which was hidden by the opening of the front door, having read the above posts and the recommendation for Goof Off Pro Strength remover, I was wondering if this would be suitable for this job, the vehicle is now 3 years old and it would be the original not the newer paint I would be working on, the top coat is clear coat as from VW factory.

Please, would this be suitable to get rid of the overspray, where it starts it is quite thick and fades to spatters.

Any help you can give would be much appreciated, am apprehensive and don't want to mess it up, certainly don't want to go back to the company who did it 5 months ago.

Thank You
First off, Welcome!

You could try the Goof Off, but I would expect you will need to use clay to remove the overspray. Start with a mild clay bar, but it may need a more aggressive clay - either a clay bar or clay-alternative mitt/towel.