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Frequently Asked Questions about the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads
Can the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads be used more than once?
Yes. Rinse or wash the face of the pad after use and store face up in a clean place.
How many cars can you decontaminate before the pad is no longer effective?
The answer to that depends upon how contaminated the paint is as well as the size of the vehicle being decontaminated. The more contaminated the paint the more the pad will wear as it's used. The larger the vehicle, the greater the surface area the more the pad will wear as it's used.
Does the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pad work better than clay?
From my personal experience it does a better job of removing contaminants more completely as experienced through inspection using a thin plastic bag to test. Detailing Clay should still be part of your detailing arsenal of tools for decontaminating panels that cannot be safely or effectively decontaminated by machine.
Is decontaminating faster using the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads?
Yes. Of course there are some variables that affect speed of ANY process used to decontaminate paint but if all variables were kept the same, then I would say that you could decontaminate paint faster by machine than you can by hand and with the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads you can do a better job of removing contaminants more completely.
How often should you clean the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads?
I recommend and teach the best practice of working clean, in this context, working clean means to rinse the face of the pad after each section that is decontaminated. This ensures no contaminants loosened and removed off one section of paint are re-introduced to a new section of paint. The more severely contaminated the paint the more important it is to clean the pad during the decontamination process.
Each person can decide how often is often enough for their needs and expectations for working clean and working safe.
Can the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads be used with a Rotary Buffer?
No. At least not safely. The manufacturer recommends using their product with dual action polishers and I think it's safe to assume they have done field testing using rotary buffers and from the results from their testing have stated not to use their product with a rotary buffer.
Will the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads mar or scratch my car's paint?
Used correctly, the manufacture states the fine grade pad will not mar or scratch paint.
My opinion based upon experience from a lifetime of working on all types of paint both OEM and Refinish is that paint hardness and softness is a huge variable and softer paints will mar or scratch easier than harder paints.
My own practice is to already plan on machine polishing or using a one-step cleaner/wax with the ability to remove fine or shallow swirls and scratches after using ANY product designed to mechanically decontaminate paint. Any car that has enough above surface bonded contaminants on the paint to require some type of paint decontamination process will highly likely also be in need of machine polishing to also remove swirls, scratches, water spots, stains and oxidation already present in and on the paint.
Each person can decide whether or not they want to perform a machine polishing process after using the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads or seal the paint using a car wax, synthetic paint sealant or paint coating. This is a personal preference and freedom of choice decision based upon your expectations for what a finish should look like to maintain the appearance value and monetary value of your vehicle.
Can I use the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads on glass?
Can I use the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads on Chrome?
Can I use the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads on moldings and plastic?
On Autogeek.net
Nanoskin Car Care Products
Can the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads be used more than once?
Yes. Rinse or wash the face of the pad after use and store face up in a clean place.
How many cars can you decontaminate before the pad is no longer effective?
The answer to that depends upon how contaminated the paint is as well as the size of the vehicle being decontaminated. The more contaminated the paint the more the pad will wear as it's used. The larger the vehicle, the greater the surface area the more the pad will wear as it's used.
Does the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pad work better than clay?
From my personal experience it does a better job of removing contaminants more completely as experienced through inspection using a thin plastic bag to test. Detailing Clay should still be part of your detailing arsenal of tools for decontaminating panels that cannot be safely or effectively decontaminated by machine.
Is decontaminating faster using the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads?
Yes. Of course there are some variables that affect speed of ANY process used to decontaminate paint but if all variables were kept the same, then I would say that you could decontaminate paint faster by machine than you can by hand and with the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads you can do a better job of removing contaminants more completely.
How often should you clean the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads?
I recommend and teach the best practice of working clean, in this context, working clean means to rinse the face of the pad after each section that is decontaminated. This ensures no contaminants loosened and removed off one section of paint are re-introduced to a new section of paint. The more severely contaminated the paint the more important it is to clean the pad during the decontamination process.
Each person can decide how often is often enough for their needs and expectations for working clean and working safe.
Can the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads be used with a Rotary Buffer?
No. At least not safely. The manufacturer recommends using their product with dual action polishers and I think it's safe to assume they have done field testing using rotary buffers and from the results from their testing have stated not to use their product with a rotary buffer.
Will the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads mar or scratch my car's paint?
Used correctly, the manufacture states the fine grade pad will not mar or scratch paint.
My opinion based upon experience from a lifetime of working on all types of paint both OEM and Refinish is that paint hardness and softness is a huge variable and softer paints will mar or scratch easier than harder paints.
My own practice is to already plan on machine polishing or using a one-step cleaner/wax with the ability to remove fine or shallow swirls and scratches after using ANY product designed to mechanically decontaminate paint. Any car that has enough above surface bonded contaminants on the paint to require some type of paint decontamination process will highly likely also be in need of machine polishing to also remove swirls, scratches, water spots, stains and oxidation already present in and on the paint.
Each person can decide whether or not they want to perform a machine polishing process after using the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads or seal the paint using a car wax, synthetic paint sealant or paint coating. This is a personal preference and freedom of choice decision based upon your expectations for what a finish should look like to maintain the appearance value and monetary value of your vehicle.
Can I use the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads on glass?
Can I use the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads on Chrome?
Can I use the Nanoskin Autoscrub Pads on moldings and plastic?
On Autogeek.net
Nanoskin Car Care Products