honda element


New member
Apr 13, 2009
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What should i use to deep clean and protect the plastic fenders on the honda element thanks..
I like Meguiars All Season Dressing or M40 Vinyl and Rubber Cleaner Conditoner, and also PB B&B.

:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::whs::whs::whs: I own an Element and the above Trim Restorer came highly recommended. Just tried it today and Yes this IS the stuff! I have tried 303 and other trim over the counter products and Nothing even comes close to this. It goes on easy, is very slick and makes the trim look better than new. (I used this Cobra Flex Foam Tire Dressing Applicators 3 Pack foam tire gloss applicator to apply it then buffed with a MF towel as instructed) It really is great stuff and very reasonable priced. I have even tried zaino Z-CS that is very expensive and would not trade one lower priced bottle of poorboys TR for 2 Higher priced Z-CS for use on trim. give the PB/TR a try, you won't be disappointed.:dblthumb2: