Is DetailFest just for the pros?


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Jul 23, 2016
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I'm a hobby detailer, and a life-long car enthusiast. I'd be interested in attending Detailfest 2017, but I am curious if I'd be out of my element. Do other hobby detailers attend? (and by attend I also mean do they travel 800 miles each way?)
I have never been, but IMO most of the forum members, and by extension or coincidence most of the DF attendees, are "non-pros". Bear in mind that Detail Fest is also a local event, locally advertised, and attended by people who are not members of the forum and who don't detail their cars. That flavor may change a bit now that the even will be at a conference center, but remember, a big part of Detail Fest is/was a big outdoor car show with music and food and TV/race celebrities.
By no means is detail fest only for pro's. In fact, Im not a pro although I played one on Competition Ready. Its for anyone, amateurs and pros alike with passion or interest in car care. You can talk to all the vendors representatives about things that will bore the average person to death as much as you want! There will also be great classes that pros and amateurs can benefit from taught by renown experts in the car care industry including Mike Phillips. And of course, there will probably be celebrities there to from the Velocity channel.

So no, its not remotely only for pros!
I am a car enthusiast who cares about my cars. I have gone for the past 2 years and have made reservations for 2017. I travel 1350 miles each way.
It is absolutely NOT just for pro's! It is for any and all who like detailing or just plain cars and all feel welcomed at DetailFests. In my opinion, it is one of those events to put on your Do Not Miss list. I will say additionally that it is also a GREAT opportunity to see and talk to the pro's, celebrities, vendor company reps etc.
Absolutely NOT !!! Detail Fest is for anyone that loves detailing. There are classes, booth displays, and just a bit for everyone.

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The best part of Detailfest is being able to meet and speak candidly with the manufacturers and product designers. I would say that at least 60% of the guests are hobbyist and weekend detailers. It is so light and refreshing to meet each other, you owe it to yourself to try it.
Definitely go. I'm a detail enthusiast and went. It was awesome. I took my family to disney and then on the weekend I ditched them and drove the 90 minutes to detail fest. Awesome time! Well worth and it gets better every year.
Okay guys, thanks for all of the replies. I'm sold. I'm going to go. Only decision now is to make it a family trip and hit up Disney or to make it a guys trip and focus on cars and scuba diving.
Take the fam. Plenty of time for the other when the kids are grown...which will be tomorrow as fast as time flys ;-)
Take the fam. Plenty of time for the other when the kids are grown...which will be tomorrow as fast as time flys ;-)

Very true; however, two of my kids are 15 & 12, and both have been to Universal Studious/Sea World/Disney World multiple times. Plus, they'd have to miss school. The youngest will be 3 by the time of DetailFest next year, but I'm afraid he'd be too young to remember a trip to Disney at the age of 3, and he'd probably be too small to do any of the fun rides :).
Very true; however, two of my kids are 15 & 12, and both have been to Universal Studious/Sea World/Disney World multiple times. Plus, they'd have to miss school. The youngest will be 3 by the time of DetailFest next year, but I'm afraid he'd be too young to remember a trip to Disney at the age of 3, and he'd probably be too small to do any of the fun rides :).

OK, its settled. Detailfest /scuba guys trip it is!!! WOOOO. Have fun and enjoy