Just tried a 4 of the products from my box and I’ll try to use them a few more times before I give a more thought out review. I’ve tried the Intense Iron Remover, Dual Action Tire and Wheel Cleaner, Car Shampoo and Waterless Auto Wash.
Intense Iron Remover-typical iron removal product smell, but light almost floral scent. Used on my wife’s darker car and didn’t see much change but the wheels were turning light purple in the lug areas and corners of the spokes(areas I can’t clean well during waterless washes) after a couple minutes. Good product and killed the previous LSP’s beading and sheeting which is ok cause I want to test some products.
Dual Action Tire and Wheel Cleaner-light almost scentless product, everything came out clean and seemed to pull a good amount of crud from the tires.
Car Shampoo-I filled my 5 gallon bucket about half way, threw in a wash mitt and squeezed the bottle 3 times, hit it with the jet and was met with a thick mound of foam/suds. It was very windy when I was washing(pay and spray) and as I would dunk the mitt and pull out it would take foam like blowing foam in a bubble bath. Very dark green color and can’t pinpoint the scent, it’s definitely light and not overpowering.
Waterless Auto Wash-This product really has my attention, I didn’t apply very heavily and it was after my wife’s car was about 95% dry. I was mainly looking to test how it would handle water marks and light dust from a short drive from pay and spray to our apartment(3ish miles). Took a bit more work than I expected on freshly dried watermarks, but again I sprayed only a few times. And this next sentence is why.. The second I sprayed it and saw the panel I thought of BSD(if you’ve used this product you’ll know that gel consistency and heavy viscous look it has). I’m very excited to keep using this product, it wipes in much easier than BSD and isn’t streaky at all, leaves a great glossy acrylic shine and the scent is almost like a watermelon herbal essence shampoo. This might be a sleeper product from DP, we’re expecting some rain for the next few day’s, looking forward to using this more... be back gotta to do my car now!!