Knee Injury


New member
Jan 29, 2011
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I usually have good ideas. Three weeks ago I had a bad one. Attempted to play basketball with some kid cousins while visiting family in Virginia Beach. Jumped up, came down, and my left knee buckled outward. Tore my LCL, MCL, ACL, and Meniscus. Hey I believe if your going to do something, might as well do it all the way! Never in my 44 years of life had I ever had a bad injury, minor scrapes, minor sprains, a few very minor fractures, but nothing major. I knew as I came down, before I even hit the ground it was bad. After I stood up and took a few steps and my knee gave out, talk about a weird feeling. Im basically pain free right now though, which is really strange considering how much damage there is to my knee. There is also quite a bit of instability, which I have not really tested as I dont dare walk around without a knee brace. I have never not had confidence in my body, but now all of a sudden, that has changed. Ill find out next week if I need surgery or can rehab through therapy. Hoping the latter.

Tying this back to detailing...since this happened, I havent touched my cars. Since I can move around, albeit slowly without pain, this Sunday morning I was going to give my cars, and myself some car care therapy. Of course Sunday was the day the skies opened ALL day. We badly needed the rain though. Hopefully Ill get to a car sometime this week or this weekend. If ever I need to get lost for an hour or so in some car care therapy, now is the time.

Thank goodness I am not a professional detailer as I would be out of work. And also, thank goodness I have employer provided health care. Im seeing one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Miami, so at least I have that going for me.

Recovery, however it shapes is going to be a long process, but I can assure you, as long as I can stand, and limp, my cars will get taken care of!

Employer health care is a blessing. If you are a believer, God will heal you and be patient

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Dang, that's some serious tear-age!

Almost 5yrs ago I tore my ACL playing bball, and slightly tore my meniscus. The ACL was repaired, but the rear in the meniscus was so small there was nothing they could do about it. Over time that tear has grown and I will be having surgery on that in about a month.

Right knee injuries are the only serious injuries I've ever had in over 18.5yrs, but this next surgery will be my 5th(and hopefully final)right knee surgery.

1) ACL repair 2-4) MRSA cleanout 5) Meniscus repair

Best of luck with recovery! Depending on how physically demanding your lifestyle is you may not need surgery, but that is a lot of damage, and a lot of ligaments/cartilage to live without IMHO

Sounds so painful....

Wishing you a full and speedy recovery...

Whichever treatment route you take, make sure to follow up with physical therapy. You will recover and get back to normal much quicker than without therapy.

Sounds so painful....

Wishing you a full and speedy recovery...


Thanks....strangely enough it wasnt terribly painful. I have a very low pain tolerance, and this wasnt terrible. It was more sore than pain really. And now, there is virtually no pain. I cant walk completely normal, but no pain. Considering how much damage there is, it is really weird.

I always thought pain was the bodys way of telling us something is wrong, and when the pain goes away healing has taken place. That certainly isnt the case here.

Interestingly enough the girl who sits next to me at work completely tore her ACL skiing. She didnt do as much damage to the rest of her knee, but did hear and feel a pop when it happened ( I didnt). She had minimal swelling and almost no pain. She is having surgery though.
Thanks....strangely enough it wasnt terribly painful. I have a very low pain tolerance, and this wasnt terrible. It was more sore than pain really. And now, there is virtually no pain. I cant walk completely normal, but no pain. Considering how much damage there is, it is really weird.

I always thought pain was the bodys way of telling us something is wrong, and when the pain goes away healing has taken place. That certainly isnt the case here.

Interestingly enough the girl who sits next to me at work completely tore her ACL skiing. She didnt do as much damage to the rest of her knee, but did hear and feel a pop when it happened ( I didnt). She had minimal swelling and almost no pain. She is having surgery though.
Hearing people's accounts of curiously not having much pain has always confused me. When I tore my ACL, my knee felt like a bomb went off inside it lol
I dont know. I guess everyone is different. I can assure you I have a low pain tolerance, so Im not trying to sound tough. It was more of a soreness. Initially if I moved ever so slightly the wrong way, Id get a quick jolt. But resting, no pain. And walking it was just sore. And now, no pain or soreness. I had more collateral pain in my good leg, and ankle and calf for all the compensating I was doing at first. Im sure rehab will be painful and surgery definitely will.
One thing I would advise is to avoid getting stem cells injected. I had that done twice here near Denver; the first time my knee was slightly improved SOME OF THE TIME, the second time they injected me with a dirty needle. That was 1 1/2 years ago & I'm still recuperating, & my knee will never be the same. Stay away from the stem cell voodoo.
One thing I would advise is to avoid getting stem cells injected. I had that done twice here near Denver; the first time my knee was slightly improved SOME OF THE TIME, the second time they injected me with a dirty needle. That was 1 1/2 years ago & I'm still recuperating, & my knee will never be the same. Stay away from the stem cell voodoo.

Good advice. I did not hear that mentioned as an option. Not sure I would be open to that yet either.

Although, Miami Project to Cure Paralysis is a leader in stem cell research. Just had to mention that.
Wishing you a fast and complete recovery my friend...

Hope you stay pain free.
Find a doc who does prolotherapy. I fell straight down 15 or so ft, tore my knee, 2 treatments I was doing Muay Thai again, or about a 10 week recovery.
Jaretr1, glad to hear you have little paint with that much damage; most likely the jolt you get at times is the meniscus as ligaments don't have much blood supply and pain associated. I have RA and have had 7 surgeries... 4 on one knee - zero cartilage at present. My issues have lead me to training others for the past 17 years and get quite a few very challenging cases. Definitely stay on the rehab and as soon as you are allowed. The knee is really just a hinge with some rotational ability. Good idea if you can is to try to contract your leg muscles as motion permits ( not weighted as in sitting doing leg extensions and curls; side-lying leg raises, CLAMS, etc. ); it will make rehab a lot easier if you maintain as much normal motion and strength as surgery is an invasion and the nervous system doesn't like to use things quickly after said invasion... keep moving and be thoughtful... good luck.
Here's to a speedy recovery. Take it easy, rest it up and I hope you heal quickly and get back on your feet 100% soon!
Thanks for all the advice and wishes. Go back to the doctor on Monday to see what the next course of action is. Every day it gets just a tick better, slightly more range of motion etc.

I am going to attempt to change the oil in my car and rotate the tires this Friday. Most or all of that I do sitting down or lying down so shouldn't be an issue or put any stress on my knee. Its the getting up and down I need to be careful of. And if there is time, and the weather is nice, maybe even wash it! Life must go on! My cars need to be taken care of!
Thats cause WE'RE OLD NOW!!! Im 45 and things are really starting to fade FAST lol. Hope you get well sooner rather than later