Lake Country Hybrid Pads tearing see picture


New member
Mar 25, 2012
I purchased a Griots Garage DA and MY pads are starting to look like this.

Possible replacements

Lake country Hydro
Lake country Flat
Griots Garage Pads


Does that tear correspond with the diameter of your backing plate? You may want to switch to a backing plate that is smaller to avoid that. Otherwise try to slow down the machine setting or use less pressure...or live with the fact that pads are a consumable item.
That tearing "usually" comes from the backing plate digging into the foam when the pad.

I've never been a fan of thick pads on DA polishers and the 6.5" Hybrid pads are considered a thick pad. They work great on the Flex 3401 which is where I tend to use them.

This is just my own personal opinion but what I recommend in my how to book and wrote an article about that gets shared a LOT every time someone buys a DA polisher is this one...

5 inch Backing Plates on Meguiar's, Griot's and Porter Cable DA Polishers

It's underneath this heading on my article list as well as a lot of other articles...

Buffing Pads - Wool Pads & Foam Pads PLUS Backing Plates

Thanks for the quick response.. I am using 6.5 inch pads with the 6 inch backing plate.

I admit the machine is a little heavier and faster then my old Meguiars DA. It seemed like speed setting 4 was more then enough power to do any kind of correction. I used speed 2 to apply the wax. On a whole I am really liking my DA . Maybe I should go back to old school flat pads.
Does that tear correspond with the diameter of your backing plate? You may want to switch to a backing plate that is smaller to avoid that. Otherwise try to slow down the machine setting or use less pressure...or live with the fact that pads are a consumable item.

The factory Griot's BP is just under 6" as they sell a 6 1/4 pad with their tool, (I think that's the size of their pad).

The backing on the 6.6" Hybrids is right at 6" also...

Thanks for the quick response.. I am using 6.5 inch pads with the 6 inch backing plate.

I admit the machine is a little heavier and faster then my old Meguiars DA. It seemed like speed setting 4 was more then enough power to do any kind of correction. I used speed 2 to apply the wax. On a whole I am really liking my DA . Maybe I should go back to old school flat pads.

The Griot's definitely has the power to rotate these large of pads but if they are tearing up on you and you want to use the larger, thicker pads, then maybe consider,

6.5" LC Flat Pads --> Open Cell
6.5" LC CCS Pads --> Open Cell
6.5" LC Hydro-Tech Pads --> Closed Cell

The Velcro "hook" material goes all the way to the edge on the above pads and this gives you some extra protection from wear and tear if the backing plate is pushed into the back of the pad on edge.

Open cell foam tends to last longer than closed cell phone, I cover why in my how to book.

I had some Griot's 3" red wax pads tear like that and it was from what Mike said, the complete back of the pad wasn't covered in Velcro and the BP tore into them - but those pads are extremely soft. The solution is just to get some different pads. Oddly enough, I use the LC CCS Cool wave pads, and the backs of those are like the Hybrid pads, but I haven't had this issue with those.

CCS and Hydrotech pads work good with a Griots in both 5.5" and 6.5". The backing plates I use with those sizes are 5.5" Euro BP from Pak Shak (~5") and with 6.5" pads I use the BP that came with the Griots machine. I also use the 3" and 3.5" LC BPs with their 3" and 4" CCS pads without issue.
I had a feeling it was the style of pads.. I admit I do like the CCS pads. I like the idea of product staying close to the surface..
right now I am debating to either purchased a 5 inch backing plate or go on and purchase the hydro tech pads 6.5inch ??? The current pads I am using now are not completely gone. Just starting to tear...

what do you guys think.?? I'm gonna sleep on it and check back tomorrow.Feed back please