LIVE video feed of Detail Fest!

Yes please. It's the next best thing to being there in person. :xyxthumbs:
I would like to be there in person, but the Live feed would be the next best thing.
:xyxthumbs:I too would like to see a video feed. As discussed before it could be available at a later date versus live.
I am planning to head down but if i wasn't i would be watching online if offered. I would be fine with vids available preferably that night or next day and don't know if i could watch much live streaming though.
YES!!! It was so awesome having the live feed 2 years ago and I was bummed it wasn't there this year.
I'd love to see a live feed! The detailing classes really intrigue me
Anyone else?

With all our forum members... that for a multitude of reasons cannot attend Detail Fest in sunny Stuart, Florida...

Any more members that are interested in a live video feed of highlighted events?

Are you reading this as a lurker? That is a non-forum member?

Now is the time to join the AGO forum and let us hear that you're interested in the live video feed!

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Heck yea! It'd be awesome to be able to view a live video feed👍🏽

A bit OT, but were prior years broadcast achieved for 'later viewing'?


A bit OT, but were prior years broadcast achieved for 'later viewing'?


I don't think so...

Capturing video is kind of like taking pictures with a camera.

It's so easy to do, in fact just about anyone can take video or take pictures. It's the time it takes to do a professional job of editing the video to make it usable as well as project a professional image that is time consuming.

Kind of like taking pictures. Right now on the hard drive of my computer I have thousands of pictures taken at my classes. It's easy to take pictures. It's time consuming to make them show up, resized, uploaded to a real gallery and then inserted so they look good and don't disappear.

The live feed is simple since it's just technology and getting set up to use the technology. Lucky for us we have Yancy.

Mike - for all the lurkers not responding, a big YES!!!

I hear you.... LOL

You would be surprised at how many people join this forum every day. You would also be surprised at how a little nudge with the link to join the forum helps the fence sitters to get off the fence.

Stop lurking and join the forum today!

Yes Mike I would like to see one of your classes
