New Rupes Bigfoot D-A pads

I am posting this here as I don’t want to create a specific thread for my question.

In general, with flared out pads, is the measurement the circumference at the top? So these would fit a 1” backing plate (?)


I have a FLEX PXE on the way and looking at pads, most of them don’t say what size backing plate they mount to. But I am deducing that if a pad is .5” rounder than a standard size plate, that it will mount to that plate. I’d like to use flared pads for the 1” rotary plate.

But what about the 2” pads that are flared. Would those still go on a 1”


Thanks for answering my newbie questions.
For the Rupes pads, yes, those will work. Those were made for the iBrid, with the 1" backing plate.

For the Griots, the ones you show are made for a 2" backing plate. Griots has a 2" bp for some of their tools.

To go with Griot's 1" pads, you will need these ... BOSS 1" Perfecting Foam Pad - 6 Pack

Right now, you can ask Autogeek to price match the Rupes discounted pads from Autopia. They're about 25% off
What happened to the Bigfoot D-A pads?

Not shown on the "Geek" website?