I sent that info to Morning Joe (Great show btw!) And a couple others.
Here is an article I found a little info about their efforts to be able to use this.
SACRAMENTO, CA - A small company in Lincoln says it has a solution to help clean up the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Mobius Technologies, Inc. grinds recycled polyurethane foam into micronized powder.
It's "the flexible foam we sit on in our desk chairs or couches at home," said Mobius' Brian Hennessy. "It's a green substance, non-hazardous, totally inert and it absorbs oil better than any other substance."
Trying to show the actual conditions in the ocean, Hennessy and Mobius CEO Dean Budney set up a demonstration Friday.
The pair poured a gallon of crude oil into salted water and after generating a wave action, added two pounds of the micronized polyurethane powder or MPU.
Within 60 seconds, the MPU absorbed the oil and caked up, then was easily removed with a skimmer.
Hennessy said using MPU is much more effective than dispersants, which just break up the surface oil and make it impossible to collect.
Mobius is trying to make contact with BP to offer the product, Hennessy said.
"BP is overwhelmed and has a huge bottleneck on the hotline," Hennessy said. "We've called four times, left a file three times."
The company is now trying to work through Sacramento congresswoman Doris Matsui to get certified to use the product in the Gulf.
"We can deliver 2 million pounds if it's air cargo shipped within a week and we can deliver another million pounds plus every week beyond that," Hennessy said.
MPU is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency and Hennessy said it can also be an effective and fast way to clean oil from wildlife.
"We want to get down there and test as soon as we can, but we can't do anything unless BP allows us," he said.