I have created a blank template for experienced detailers to contribute to. I have read in numerous posts about a certain manufacturer having soft or hard clearcoat, which affects the pad or compound choices. Since a lot of people have found out by trial and error which is which, I thought it might be good to gather this info into one place that everyone can edit.
I am, by definition, a newb. I'm sure it's not perfect. So if I missed something, feel free to add or delete. I gave open permission to allow anyone to edit the Google Doc spreadsheet. Simply put an "X" in the box for hard or soft. I also added a column that is quite subjective: Winning Combination for pads and compounds/polishes.
I understand that this info may differ from car to car, maybe it had a repaint, etc; but in gerneral terms, for instance, I've heard that Audi's have hard clears vs. Subaru's soft clearcoat. It's really meant to help people brand new to this to make an informed decision. Eventually we each find our favorites and stick to it, but this chart is meant to be a quick reference.
Here's the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhSmV1SQJjifdEU5TGNRdTQ2RzNVcjQySE9QVnowWFE&usp=sharing
Hope this helps in any way, and thanks in advance for your input.
I am, by definition, a newb. I'm sure it's not perfect. So if I missed something, feel free to add or delete. I gave open permission to allow anyone to edit the Google Doc spreadsheet. Simply put an "X" in the box for hard or soft. I also added a column that is quite subjective: Winning Combination for pads and compounds/polishes.
I understand that this info may differ from car to car, maybe it had a repaint, etc; but in gerneral terms, for instance, I've heard that Audi's have hard clears vs. Subaru's soft clearcoat. It's really meant to help people brand new to this to make an informed decision. Eventually we each find our favorites and stick to it, but this chart is meant to be a quick reference.
Here's the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhSmV1SQJjifdEU5TGNRdTQ2RzNVcjQySE9QVnowWFE&usp=sharing
Hope this helps in any way, and thanks in advance for your input.