For everyone that took this class, here's the article I wrote and also shared in the class about RUPES being a SYSTEM not a Tool.
The Air Test - Using NON RUPES pads on RUPES Polishers by Mike Phillips
The Air Test
In this picture, this RUPES BigFoot 21 is running on the 6.0 speed setting and is vibration free.
I came up with a
simple test ANYONE can do to test if a non-RUPES buffing pad is compatible with a RUPES polisher.
The RUPES engineers designed their pads specific to the RUPES tools and backing plates for the intended purpose of reducing and eliminating vibration. This means the size, shape, thickness and weight of the pads are such that when attached to the matching RUPES backing plate and RUPES tool there is zero or very little vibration.
The Air Test
First - Hold a RUPES polisher in the air without a foam buffing pad attached to the backing plate in the [ON] position on speed 6. You will feel the tool vibrating.
Second - Attach the correct size RUPES pad for the backing plate and matching RUPES tool and repeat the above. That is hold the tool in the air in the [ON] position on speed 6. You will feel no vibration and a very smooth operating tool.
Now after doing the above you know what vibration feels like with no pad and what zero vibration feels like with the RUPES engineered pad.
Testing non-RUPES pads for vibration
To test a non-RUPES pad for vibration and compatibility, repeat the test with the pad
you're thinking of using and see if there is any vibration.
- If no vibration, your choice, use or don't use the pad.
- If you feel vibration you will know it's the pad, not the tool.
Engineered for no vibration
I've done my research and real world testing and what I've experienced is that what RUPES states is true and that is they engineered their pads, backing plates and tools to work together to eliminate vibration.
It doesn't matter to me what pad anyone uses on any tool I just wanted to point out that when RUPES states their pads, backing plates and tools are engineered to work together to eliminate vibration they mean it.
I've always been what I call a
systems guy that is given the choice I prefer to use a
system approach versus mixing and matching products, pads and tools from multiple brands.
I'm not saying mixing and matching doesn't work but I think you hedge your bet when you stay inside a system designed by the same company. I also know it's the
nature of the beast for people to want to experiment and use pads other non-RUPES pads or pads they already own on their RUPES polishers. The
Air Test will tell you real fast if a pad is compatible.
RUPES Color Matched 7" Foam Buffing Pads
RUPES Color Matched 6" Foam Buffing Pads
RUPES Color Matched 4" Foam Buffing Pads