Testing out the CCS Euro Foam Hand Applicator Pads
First I tested each of the different foams with the Ultimate Compound to see how each foam formula worked to remove the defects.
Red Ultra Soft CCS Euro Foam Hand Polish Applicator
The red foam was too soft for applying and working compounds as I thought it would be but I wanted to try it for myself so that anytime these tools are discussed on our forum or in our classes, I can speak from real-world knowledge and hands-on experience.
White Polishing CCS Euro Foam Hand Polish Applicator
Then I tested the white polishing applicator pad and found that it worked well for with Ultimate Compound and SwirlX because of the increased firmness.
Orange Light Cutting CCS Euro Foam Hand Polish Applicator
Lastly, I tested the orange applicator pad and found the extra firmness and aggressive nature of this foam removed defects the fastest and the most effectively with Ultimate Compound but found it to aggressive to use with a cleaner/polish.
The visual results from my testing proved that for removing serious below surface defects, the fastest and most effective pad out of the three would be to use the orange applicator pad.
Now that I confirmed which foam pad worked best on this paint system for the heavy cutting step with the Ultimate Compound, I continued with my test spot by re-working the entire area with the Ultimate Compound and the orange applicator pad.
Large Oval Shape
The CCS Hand Applicator Pads are oval in shape and comfortably fit your hand. What I really like about the orange cutting and the white polishing pads is they are firm enough to
distribute the pressure from your hand
evenly over the entire face of the pad in contact with the paint.
Softer foam pads tend not to offer this benefit and for some applications that’s okay but for working out defects where you’re going to need to invest a lot of time physically rubbing on the paint the firmer pads work better.