Mike Phillips
Review: BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System
What is it?
A 2 part glass coating protection system.
What does it do?
Seals the pores and other irregularities of glass surfaces for protection while creating a super hydrophobic finish that repels dirt, water, snow and sleet.
When do I use it?
On brand new cars, brand new glass or older cars after the glass has been properly prepared for the coating.
Why should I use it?
To provide long lasting protection to all exterior automotive glass to help keep the glass cleaner longer while also creating a hydrophobic surface that self-cleans after about 30 miles per hour and also anytime you use your wipers to clean rain water off while driving..
From the manufacturer
BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System is a two-part product that is formulated to be a long-lasting ceramic class coating. Only taking minutes to apply, BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System will protect your glass for up to one year. BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System creates a super hydrophobic surface, allowing for a clear line of vision.
As much as your eyes may be the window to the soul, your glass is very much so the window to the road. If you have a dirty windshield, you are asking for trouble. For safe driving, you need a clear line of vision, something you can only achieve with top-notch glass products.
BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System is a unique two-part ceramic glass coating system that allows for maximum effectiveness on your glass. Part I starts with basically applying a base layer. This layer will create crosslinks that act like grappling points, allowing the product to fully bond to the glass surface. Next, when you apply Part II, this product will cling to the surface with its hydrophobic properties. Water and environmental contaminants will bead up and roll off more than ever before. This is because the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System produces a low sliding angle that keeps these contaminants, such as, water, mud, sleet, and snow from sticking to the surface.
It is important to have clear glass to see through, so that you can drive more safely on the roads. To ensure this, it is critical that you follow all the steps to the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System. First, it is recommended that you clean the glass with BLACKFIRE Glass Cleaner. Next, clay your glass with the BLACKFIRE Poly Clay and then polish the glass with BLACKFIRE Glass Water Spot Remover. These first three products together will completely rid your car of contaminants. Before you get to the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System, prep the glass with BLACKFIRE Paint Prep to remove any lingering polishing oils and to get it ready for a properly bonded ceramic coating.
To apply BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System, you will work in two parts. First, saturate a foam applicator with Part I and apply it your glass surface in a crosshatch pattern. The product will flash (appear as a rainbow) within thirty seconds to one minute. Once that happens, you can now saturate a new foam applicator with Part II. Don’t wipe off Part I and instead, put Part II right on top and apply it to the surface in another crosshatch pattern. Finally, wipe any excess product away using a clean microfiber towel. No need to wait, your glass is good to go! Your glass will thank you for its new found clarity as the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System will last you up to one year of hydrophobic greatness. It's best to apply Part II every three to four months for best results.
Ready the surface:
-First clean the surface to be coated with BLACKFIRE Glass Cleaner.
-It’s also recommended that the glass be clayed using BLACKFIRE Poly Clay and then polished with BLACKFIRE Glass Water Spot Remover. This fully removes all glass contamination.
-Then prepare the glass for coating with BLACKFIRE Paint Prep to remove any remaining polishing oils.
PRO TIP: If coating the windshield, it will be easier to work on one half of the glass at a time. If working on windows, you can do the whole surface at once.
Part I:
-Saturate a foam coating applicator with BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System Part I.
-Wipe onto the surface using a crosshatch pattern
-Immediately move on to the application of Part II - do not allow Part I to dry.
Part II:
-Saturate a new foam coating applicator with BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System Part II
-Without wiping off Part I, apply to the surface using a crosshatch pattern over Part II.
-Once complete, wipe excess product away using a clean microfiber buffing towel.
-Important Info: Allowing Part I to dry before application of Part II may cause coating to fail. It's best to work on small sections of glass at a time to prevent this from occurring.
-No curing time is necessary – your glass will be coated and ready to go immediately!
-Reapply Part II every 3-4 months for best results.
-Wash, dry, and correct paint if needed.
-Shake well before use.
-Use BLACKFIRE Paint Prep to remove any oils that would prevent proper bonding.
-Apply several drops of product onto a microfiber applicator and apply to a 3 x 3 sq. ft. area in a back and forth, cross-hatch pattern.
-Allow for slight overlay to ensure even coverage.
-Allow area to set for approximately 1-2 minutes and gently remove excess product with a clean microfiber towel.
-A second coat can be applied after approximately 1 hour.
-Keep coated surfaces dry for 24-48 hours for best results.
Here's my test car - a brand new 2021 Toyota Corolla LE
So here's the deal, just like paint needs to be clean and perfected before installing a ceramic coating, in the exact same way, glass needs to be clean and perfected before installing a ceramic glass coating system.
The question is,
What about a brand new car?
If your car, truck, van or suv is brand new (and thus the glass is brand new), shouldn't it be clean and perfect enough to go ahead and install a ceramic coating system like the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System?
The answer is - it should be.
The problem is, even on a brand new car, you have know idea what, if anything, has been applied by the dealership. This could include any glass wax or or other product dealerships use for their New Car Prep. Or even if while the car has been sitting on the dealership parking lot - what has been used to wash the car? A lot of car washes on the market contain ingredients to make the car shiny and even protected. These ingredients coat over the car including the glass each time the car is washed.
Plus - there's a lot of junk in the water now days that stains glass, including city water, well water and even rain water and the pollution in the air that mixes with rain. So it's easy to think brand new car with obviously brand new glass should be completely clean and able to be coated. If you feel confident this describes the glass on your new car then simply wash and dry the car or clean the glass with a glass cleaner followed by a panel wipe and then install the coating as described in the directions. If you trust your the glass on your new car is perfectly clean you can skip the claying step and the glass polishing step.
For everyone else, this includes anyone with a brand new car that is NOT sure the glass is absolutely clean and perfect and for anyone that owns an older car or even a new car but the new car is a daily driver, exposed to our dirty driving world - for everyone in this group - you want to include the claying and polishing step. And YES - it's not only important for the performance and longevity of the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System it's a VITAL step to ensure a proper bond of the Part I Base Coat. The entire matrix of this system, that is the combination of Part I and Part II depends on perfectly clean glass for the Part 1 product to form a proper bond to the glass.
For this reason, my opinion and experience is - because there's simply no way of knowing what's on the glass on a brand new car, for my time, money and energy - I'm going to do all the prep steps, wash/clean, clay, polish and panel wipe before installing the 2-part ceramic coating system. That's my approach, anyone reading this that has a brand new car will have to decide for themselves if the claying and polishing steps are to be included when using this glass protection system.
Here's the new Toyota, all clean and purdy...
When installing this 2-part ceramic protection system - for the WINDSHIELD - you only want to tackle one side or one half of the glass at at time.
This is because it's VITAL that you apply the Part II product over the top of the Part I product WHILE THE PART I PRODUCT IS STILL WET.
Two find the middle of a windshield simply look for the rear view mirror bracket as this is usually located in dead-center of the top of the windshield.
Here's I've drawn a line down the middle of the glass using the rear view mirror for a reference point. Work this side first and then move to the other side of the car and work the other side.
Assemble the products, towels, applicators and any tools you'll need.
Step 1: Wash and dry car or clean glass using a quality glass cleaner and clean glass towel.
Ah yes.... that looks clean! :xyxthumbs:
Step 2: Using detailing clay and a clay lube - clay the glass to remove any bonded contaminants like overspray paint, tree sap mist or airborne industrial pollution or fallout.
After claying, remove all the clay lube residue...
Step 3: Polish the glass by hand or machine using a glass water spot remover.
Be sure to polish all the glass from edge to edge and out to the middle of the windshield.
Remove all the glass polish residue and any road grime or staining with a clean microfiber towel.
Step 4: Using a panel wipe like the BLACKFIRE Paint Prep - thoroughly clean the glass to remove any residues left by the glass polish.
Step 5: Saturate one side of the included microfiber applicator with the Part I Base Coat.
Step 6: THOROUGHLY apply and massage the Part I Base Coat over the glass using a crosshatch pattern. Overlap your passes for uniform filling and coverage of the glass.
Step 7: Quickly saturate the opposite side of the applicator pad with the Part II Top Coat.
Step 8: Using an overlapping crosshatch pattern, quickly apply and massage over the class the Part II Top Coat. You want this product to mix into the Part I Base Coat for a uniform layer over the glass.
Step 9: Immediately after applying the Part II Top Coat - using the included microfiber towel - wipe the treated glass and remove any excess product.
Put the wiper back into place and this car is ready to put back into service - even if it's raining outside!
Perfectly clean and also perfectly sealed and protected glass!
Ivan Carstuff approves!
The two part BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System is as tough as nail and will keep your glass protected, clean and most important CLEAR!
The application of this 2-part system is easy. There's nothing complicated about it at all. The prep work is easy too and just like any car detailing process, the final results are completely dependent upon the quality of the prep work. In the pictures above as well as the video below this write-up, shows how easy the complete process is to do on any car. Taller vehicles of course will require some type of work platform to stand on in order to reach the glass.
No waiting between Part I and Part II
What can throw some people is the immediate application of the Part II Top Layer over the Part I Base Layer. This is because with more car care products, after you apply something you normally wipe it off before proceeding to the next step, whatever that step might be. The reason you use this approach is simple. The Part I Base Layer forms the protection layer as it fills in microscopic pores and imperfections in the glass and then BONDS to the glass. This is the foundation for the entire 2-part system. As this first product is bonding to the glass, you apply the Part II Top Layer and it BONDS to the Base Layer. The base layer bonds to the glass to protect it and the top layer bonds to the base layer to create the hydrophobic slick surface. It's this combination of different chemicals that creates a protective, self-cleaning, easy cleaning surface that can easily protect up to a year.
Rejuvenate the hydrophobic surface
BLACKFIRE recommends that you re-apply the Part II Top Layer every 3 -4 months to replenish the hydrophobic, slick surface. The reason you want and need to re-apply the Part II Top Layer is because over time and use, especially because the rubber wiper blades dragging over the glass - this physical contact will wear away the intense hydrophobic finish as this is simply physics. There are no miracle products that you can use on the windshield on a car where the wipers are used regularly that will last forever. That's smoke-in-mirrors. BLACKFIRE knows this is the case and instead of using glib marketing promises that won't hold true - they state the fact up front knowing intelligent people understand the relationship between using your wipers and how they can sacrificially wear off ANY brand of glass coating over time. So instead of making false claims, BLACKFIRE simply recommends common sense and that is every 3-4 months, wash the car or wipe the windshield clean and re-apply Park II Top Layer.
Glass that stays clean longer!
Best of all, with this two part system installed, your car's glass windows will stay clean longer during normal use of the car and when you do go to wash the car, the glass will clean faster and easier. In fact, the glass will self-clean if you car is in a hard rain, either when driving or even parked.
Having clean, clear glass on all of the car not only adds the finishing touch to a well detailed and well kept car - it also makes the car safer to drive. :dblthumb2:
On Autogeek.com
If you need any of the other products showcased in this review, here's the links to them on the AG Store.
BLACKFIRE Gel Glass Cleaner
Speed Master Premium Glass Towel - 6 Pack
BLACKFIRE Clay Lubricant 32 oz.
BLACKFIRE Poly Clay & Lubricant Combo - Fine Grade
BLACKFIRE Glass Water Spot Remover 32 oz.
Cobra Microfiber Applicator Pads - I used this to apply the polish - you can also apply the polish by machine
Cobra Supreme 530 Microfiber Towel - 6 Pack - To wipe off clay lube, paint prep or polish
BLACKFIRE Paint Prep 32 oz.
What is it?
A 2 part glass coating protection system.
What does it do?
Seals the pores and other irregularities of glass surfaces for protection while creating a super hydrophobic finish that repels dirt, water, snow and sleet.
When do I use it?
On brand new cars, brand new glass or older cars after the glass has been properly prepared for the coating.
Why should I use it?
To provide long lasting protection to all exterior automotive glass to help keep the glass cleaner longer while also creating a hydrophobic surface that self-cleans after about 30 miles per hour and also anytime you use your wipers to clean rain water off while driving..
From the manufacturer
BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System is a two-part product that is formulated to be a long-lasting ceramic class coating. Only taking minutes to apply, BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System will protect your glass for up to one year. BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System creates a super hydrophobic surface, allowing for a clear line of vision.
As much as your eyes may be the window to the soul, your glass is very much so the window to the road. If you have a dirty windshield, you are asking for trouble. For safe driving, you need a clear line of vision, something you can only achieve with top-notch glass products.
BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System is a unique two-part ceramic glass coating system that allows for maximum effectiveness on your glass. Part I starts with basically applying a base layer. This layer will create crosslinks that act like grappling points, allowing the product to fully bond to the glass surface. Next, when you apply Part II, this product will cling to the surface with its hydrophobic properties. Water and environmental contaminants will bead up and roll off more than ever before. This is because the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System produces a low sliding angle that keeps these contaminants, such as, water, mud, sleet, and snow from sticking to the surface.
It is important to have clear glass to see through, so that you can drive more safely on the roads. To ensure this, it is critical that you follow all the steps to the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System. First, it is recommended that you clean the glass with BLACKFIRE Glass Cleaner. Next, clay your glass with the BLACKFIRE Poly Clay and then polish the glass with BLACKFIRE Glass Water Spot Remover. These first three products together will completely rid your car of contaminants. Before you get to the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System, prep the glass with BLACKFIRE Paint Prep to remove any lingering polishing oils and to get it ready for a properly bonded ceramic coating.
To apply BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System, you will work in two parts. First, saturate a foam applicator with Part I and apply it your glass surface in a crosshatch pattern. The product will flash (appear as a rainbow) within thirty seconds to one minute. Once that happens, you can now saturate a new foam applicator with Part II. Don’t wipe off Part I and instead, put Part II right on top and apply it to the surface in another crosshatch pattern. Finally, wipe any excess product away using a clean microfiber towel. No need to wait, your glass is good to go! Your glass will thank you for its new found clarity as the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System will last you up to one year of hydrophobic greatness. It's best to apply Part II every three to four months for best results.
Ready the surface:
-First clean the surface to be coated with BLACKFIRE Glass Cleaner.
-It’s also recommended that the glass be clayed using BLACKFIRE Poly Clay and then polished with BLACKFIRE Glass Water Spot Remover. This fully removes all glass contamination.
-Then prepare the glass for coating with BLACKFIRE Paint Prep to remove any remaining polishing oils.
PRO TIP: If coating the windshield, it will be easier to work on one half of the glass at a time. If working on windows, you can do the whole surface at once.
Part I:
-Saturate a foam coating applicator with BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System Part I.
-Wipe onto the surface using a crosshatch pattern
-Immediately move on to the application of Part II - do not allow Part I to dry.
Part II:
-Saturate a new foam coating applicator with BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System Part II
-Without wiping off Part I, apply to the surface using a crosshatch pattern over Part II.
-Once complete, wipe excess product away using a clean microfiber buffing towel.
-Important Info: Allowing Part I to dry before application of Part II may cause coating to fail. It's best to work on small sections of glass at a time to prevent this from occurring.
-No curing time is necessary – your glass will be coated and ready to go immediately!
-Reapply Part II every 3-4 months for best results.
-Wash, dry, and correct paint if needed.
-Shake well before use.
-Use BLACKFIRE Paint Prep to remove any oils that would prevent proper bonding.
-Apply several drops of product onto a microfiber applicator and apply to a 3 x 3 sq. ft. area in a back and forth, cross-hatch pattern.
-Allow for slight overlay to ensure even coverage.
-Allow area to set for approximately 1-2 minutes and gently remove excess product with a clean microfiber towel.
-A second coat can be applied after approximately 1 hour.
-Keep coated surfaces dry for 24-48 hours for best results.
Here's my test car - a brand new 2021 Toyota Corolla LE
So here's the deal, just like paint needs to be clean and perfected before installing a ceramic coating, in the exact same way, glass needs to be clean and perfected before installing a ceramic glass coating system.
The question is,
What about a brand new car?
If your car, truck, van or suv is brand new (and thus the glass is brand new), shouldn't it be clean and perfect enough to go ahead and install a ceramic coating system like the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System?
The answer is - it should be.
The problem is, even on a brand new car, you have know idea what, if anything, has been applied by the dealership. This could include any glass wax or or other product dealerships use for their New Car Prep. Or even if while the car has been sitting on the dealership parking lot - what has been used to wash the car? A lot of car washes on the market contain ingredients to make the car shiny and even protected. These ingredients coat over the car including the glass each time the car is washed.
Plus - there's a lot of junk in the water now days that stains glass, including city water, well water and even rain water and the pollution in the air that mixes with rain. So it's easy to think brand new car with obviously brand new glass should be completely clean and able to be coated. If you feel confident this describes the glass on your new car then simply wash and dry the car or clean the glass with a glass cleaner followed by a panel wipe and then install the coating as described in the directions. If you trust your the glass on your new car is perfectly clean you can skip the claying step and the glass polishing step.
For everyone else, this includes anyone with a brand new car that is NOT sure the glass is absolutely clean and perfect and for anyone that owns an older car or even a new car but the new car is a daily driver, exposed to our dirty driving world - for everyone in this group - you want to include the claying and polishing step. And YES - it's not only important for the performance and longevity of the BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System it's a VITAL step to ensure a proper bond of the Part I Base Coat. The entire matrix of this system, that is the combination of Part I and Part II depends on perfectly clean glass for the Part 1 product to form a proper bond to the glass.
For this reason, my opinion and experience is - because there's simply no way of knowing what's on the glass on a brand new car, for my time, money and energy - I'm going to do all the prep steps, wash/clean, clay, polish and panel wipe before installing the 2-part ceramic coating system. That's my approach, anyone reading this that has a brand new car will have to decide for themselves if the claying and polishing steps are to be included when using this glass protection system.
Here's the new Toyota, all clean and purdy...
When installing this 2-part ceramic protection system - for the WINDSHIELD - you only want to tackle one side or one half of the glass at at time.
This is because it's VITAL that you apply the Part II product over the top of the Part I product WHILE THE PART I PRODUCT IS STILL WET.
Two find the middle of a windshield simply look for the rear view mirror bracket as this is usually located in dead-center of the top of the windshield.
Here's I've drawn a line down the middle of the glass using the rear view mirror for a reference point. Work this side first and then move to the other side of the car and work the other side.
Assemble the products, towels, applicators and any tools you'll need.
Step 1: Wash and dry car or clean glass using a quality glass cleaner and clean glass towel.
Ah yes.... that looks clean! :xyxthumbs:
Step 2: Using detailing clay and a clay lube - clay the glass to remove any bonded contaminants like overspray paint, tree sap mist or airborne industrial pollution or fallout.
After claying, remove all the clay lube residue...
Step 3: Polish the glass by hand or machine using a glass water spot remover.
Be sure to polish all the glass from edge to edge and out to the middle of the windshield.
Remove all the glass polish residue and any road grime or staining with a clean microfiber towel.
Step 4: Using a panel wipe like the BLACKFIRE Paint Prep - thoroughly clean the glass to remove any residues left by the glass polish.
Step 5: Saturate one side of the included microfiber applicator with the Part I Base Coat.
Step 6: THOROUGHLY apply and massage the Part I Base Coat over the glass using a crosshatch pattern. Overlap your passes for uniform filling and coverage of the glass.
Step 7: Quickly saturate the opposite side of the applicator pad with the Part II Top Coat.
Step 8: Using an overlapping crosshatch pattern, quickly apply and massage over the class the Part II Top Coat. You want this product to mix into the Part I Base Coat for a uniform layer over the glass.
Step 9: Immediately after applying the Part II Top Coat - using the included microfiber towel - wipe the treated glass and remove any excess product.
Put the wiper back into place and this car is ready to put back into service - even if it's raining outside!
Perfectly clean and also perfectly sealed and protected glass!
Ivan Carstuff approves!
The two part BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System is as tough as nail and will keep your glass protected, clean and most important CLEAR!
The application of this 2-part system is easy. There's nothing complicated about it at all. The prep work is easy too and just like any car detailing process, the final results are completely dependent upon the quality of the prep work. In the pictures above as well as the video below this write-up, shows how easy the complete process is to do on any car. Taller vehicles of course will require some type of work platform to stand on in order to reach the glass.
No waiting between Part I and Part II
What can throw some people is the immediate application of the Part II Top Layer over the Part I Base Layer. This is because with more car care products, after you apply something you normally wipe it off before proceeding to the next step, whatever that step might be. The reason you use this approach is simple. The Part I Base Layer forms the protection layer as it fills in microscopic pores and imperfections in the glass and then BONDS to the glass. This is the foundation for the entire 2-part system. As this first product is bonding to the glass, you apply the Part II Top Layer and it BONDS to the Base Layer. The base layer bonds to the glass to protect it and the top layer bonds to the base layer to create the hydrophobic slick surface. It's this combination of different chemicals that creates a protective, self-cleaning, easy cleaning surface that can easily protect up to a year.
Rejuvenate the hydrophobic surface
BLACKFIRE recommends that you re-apply the Part II Top Layer every 3 -4 months to replenish the hydrophobic, slick surface. The reason you want and need to re-apply the Part II Top Layer is because over time and use, especially because the rubber wiper blades dragging over the glass - this physical contact will wear away the intense hydrophobic finish as this is simply physics. There are no miracle products that you can use on the windshield on a car where the wipers are used regularly that will last forever. That's smoke-in-mirrors. BLACKFIRE knows this is the case and instead of using glib marketing promises that won't hold true - they state the fact up front knowing intelligent people understand the relationship between using your wipers and how they can sacrificially wear off ANY brand of glass coating over time. So instead of making false claims, BLACKFIRE simply recommends common sense and that is every 3-4 months, wash the car or wipe the windshield clean and re-apply Park II Top Layer.
Glass that stays clean longer!
Best of all, with this two part system installed, your car's glass windows will stay clean longer during normal use of the car and when you do go to wash the car, the glass will clean faster and easier. In fact, the glass will self-clean if you car is in a hard rain, either when driving or even parked.
Having clean, clear glass on all of the car not only adds the finishing touch to a well detailed and well kept car - it also makes the car safer to drive. :dblthumb2:
On Autogeek.com
If you need any of the other products showcased in this review, here's the links to them on the AG Store.
BLACKFIRE Gel Glass Cleaner
Speed Master Premium Glass Towel - 6 Pack
BLACKFIRE Clay Lubricant 32 oz.
BLACKFIRE Poly Clay & Lubricant Combo - Fine Grade
BLACKFIRE Glass Water Spot Remover 32 oz.
Cobra Microfiber Applicator Pads - I used this to apply the polish - you can also apply the polish by machine
Cobra Supreme 530 Microfiber Towel - 6 Pack - To wipe off clay lube, paint prep or polish
BLACKFIRE Paint Prep 32 oz.