Review & How-To: Hyde's Serum Rust Stopper

Anyone do any testing on how pads effect this?

It's not the pads, it's the rotors. I have ceramic pads and still get the rust dust if I don't instantly dry the rotor after washing. In the pic of my wheel covered in rust dust that's with ceramic Carbotech 1521 pads and Adam's rotors (no affiliation with the detailing company).
Great concept! Looks like something I wanna try instead of getting in my customers cars and rolling back and forth using the brakes to remove that. lol

What's funny is that our drive for creating this product stemmed from spending the extra time to remove the rotor rust with a dryer or by using the brakes then having to wipe down each wheel all over again before presenting a completed car to a customer. By incorporating this quick and effective spray into a routine, a user can shave considerable time off of their final detailing steps.
In our long term, extensive testing the reverse side of the rotor did not prove to be a concern. Between the OE dust shield acting somewhat as a splash guard when rinsing down your wheel and our mister sprayer head providing heavy coverage along the edge of the rotor (minor drip over the backside of the rotor), we have not shown any initial "rust dust" from the back side of the rotor.

The rear side of the rotor does not provide any additional dusting above and beyond typical normal usage. I'm sure Nick can attest to this in his testing as well as our other resellers and satisfied customers. :dblthumb2:

I'll make a deal with you naruto and silverfox, I'll send you both a bottle of Rustopper to even prove it. If you're completely satisfied, we'll work out payment, if not, then no cost to you. Eitherway, we are eager for your feedback.

What you said does make sense. I do have the OEM Brake dust cover for now. When I upgrade to a BBK I believe I will have to cut it out.

I think I will take you up on your offer I will send a PM your way. I will try to do some testing with and without.

"Rust dust" is a visual eyesore, so the fact that Hyde's Serum Rust Stopper eliminates the problem on the front of the rotor is good enough for me. I've never had anyone inspect or comment on the backside of my brake rotor before, so it's not a concern for me. :dblthumb2:

My concern is not someone looking at the back of my rotor. But the uncoated side of the rotor spreading dust around the already clean wheel after moving the vehicle (to the garage after washing for instance) which this product was designed to prevent in the first place. If I can see this light dusting and have to go over the wheel again it doesn't really matter if I have a little or a lot. I would still have to go over the wheel again either way to make it spotless.

But I will have to try out the product and see how it goes. I really hope the backside dusting is minimal. Going over a clean wheel again is a bit annoying. Especially when you have a lot of spokes.
We have tested for the backside of the rotor with and without dust shields. I personally have my dust shields removed and don't have an issue with this. If there were any sort of initial dust from the backside of the rotor it shouldn't be any more than a typical dusting from normal driving.