Review: Pinnacle Leather Conditioner / Cleaner and Conditioner


New member
Jan 29, 2011
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I am going to lump two, well kinda three reviews into one, and without decent pictures to show for it!

First off, its been debated on this forum the need to use a conditioner on the coated leather seats in todays cars. Some say yes, some say no. The way I see it, if its not needed, using one probably wont hurt. If it is needed, not using one will probably shorten the life of the leather. I truly dont know one way or the other.

Prior to this test, I had only been using Ultima Interior Guard Plus on my seats and the rest of my interior. I like this product because it leaves virtually no trace it was applied, and supposably offers great protection.

Nick was kind enough to send me both the Cleaner and Conditioner, and the Conditioner as well as the vinyl and leather cleaner. (link to products at end of review).

I only have two leather seats in my car. Honda cheaped out on the Accord coupes and the rear seats are pleather or vinyl, definitely not leather (the sedans got leather front and back). Therefore, that great new car / leather smell left my car long ago.

For this test I figured I do one seat with the leather cleaner and conditioner, and the other I would clean, and then condition.

First off, the Pinnacle Vinyl and Leather cleaner is a citrus based cleaner. It did not seem harsh at all, and had a pleasant but not overpowering citrus fragrance. I used a terry cloth towel and followed the instructions. Not surprisingly virtually nothing came off of my seats. They were reasonably clean as I always wipe them down after I wash my car. I then took a clean dry microfiber rag and wiped them down to remove any cleaning residue.

After the cleaning, I followed by applying the Pinnacle Leather conditioner. It is white and has a leather fragrance. Initially I was concerned that this would alter or change the color or finish of my seats. But it did not. As per the instructions, I spead the product over the seats and allowed it to be absorbed into the seats. My seats are perforated and if any of the product got into the holes, it didnt leave behind any visible residue.

On the other seat I used the Pinnacle Leather cleaner and conditioner. I followed the directions and sprayed the product directly onto my seats, and then using a microfiber rag worked it in. Again, no residue or dirt came off the seats.

I let both products sit for a few minutes before taking a dry microfiber towel and wiping them down.

Here is what I found, the seat where I used the conditioner felt softer then the seat where the combo product was used. The combo product also left the seat with more of a satin finish, while the conditioner left it looking original.

I am not sure which had the effect, but there is a nice leather fragrance in my car again at least for now.

I tried to take pictures, but the pictures I took dont show anything, in fact I couldnt even tell what I took. Epic photo fail on my part! So here is one photo of my interior just for the sake of having a photo!

I think I am pleasantly surprised by the conditioner, less so by the combo product. I might reclean the second seat and apply the conditioner itself. I like the softness I feel I am feeling and the nice natural look it left behind.

Pinnacle Leather & Vinyl Cleaner is a pure cleaner without any silicone oils, petroleum solvents or gloss agents. PH balanced to protect leather &

Pinnacle Leather Conditioner is rich in lanolin and natural oils. Pinnacle Leather Conditioner contains no petroleum distillates and will not dry the

Pinnacle Leather Cleaner & Conditioner - Agreed upon by leather care pros world wide, leather requires both cleaning and conditioning to keep it