Sign-up for Autogeek's Machine Buffing/Detailing Class at Autogeek - April 24th, 2010

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Sign-up for Autogeek's Machine Buffing/Detailing
Class at Autogeek's Brand New Training Facilities
8:00am to 3:00pm - April 24th, 2010

Learn How-To Use 4 Different Types of Electric Polishers

This class will go over machine buffing techniques using,

The class will also include,
  • The basics of Machine Damp Sanding with Meguiar's Unigrit Finishing System
  • Foam Buffing Pads
  • Wool Cutting and Polishing Pads
  • Surbuf MicroFinger Pads
  • Backing Plates and Pad Attachment Systems
  • Pad Washers
  • Paint Thickness Gauge
  • Taping-Off
  • Microfiber Towels - Tips, Techniques and Care & Maintenance
  • Sealing the paint with a wax or paint sealant

This class assumes you already know the basics working by hand and how, why and when to use detailing clay. If not, then watch this video.

Video: How to use detailing clay to clay your car's paint to remove things like tree sap and overspray paint

Class Fee: $50.00

  • Certificate of Completion
  • Autogeek's Show Car Garage Apron
  • $20.00 Autogeek Store Credit
  • Autogeek's Show Car Garage T-shirt

$20.00 Store Credit

Autogeek's Show Car Garage Apron

Autogeek's Show Car Garage T-shirt

Signed Certificate of Completion

Date: April 24th
Time: 8:00am to 3:00pm
Location: 7744 SW Jack James Drive - Stuart, Florida 34997

Hotels, Airports and Attractions near Autogeek's Show Car Garage!

Click here to sign up

Any plan to take this show on the road? I live in Indiana. Not real easy for me to make it to Fla.

I got started with Griots Garage because they had some tech sessions in my area. I get emails from them where they are taking it Cinn, Chi, etc. I would readily travel to those areas for your classes.
Here's a dumb question - How do I sign up? :righton:
Any plan to take this show on the road? I live in Indiana. Not real easy for me to make it to Fla.

I got started with Griots Garage because they had some tech sessions in my area. I get emails from them where they are taking it Cinn, Chi, etc. I would readily travel to those areas for your classes.

Great question and as someone that started the Roadshow classes coordinated through forum back in 2006, and having some background experience in what it takes to put on an off-site class, let me share...

First, if everyone wants to see and use first-hand all the tools in this picture,


And that includes 10 electric polishers, not to mention all the pads and backing plates to go with them, then all this has to be shipped to the location and then shipped back home.

If you want to see a Pad Washer or two and how to use them, then these have to be shipped to the location and then shipped back home.

Any chemicals, compounds, polishes, waxes, sealants, have to be shipped to the location and then shipped back home or given away, either way there's a cost involved.

Plenty of microfiber polishing towels will be needed so these have to be shipped and either given away or shipped back to use in the next class whether it's at our new Training Room or at anther off-site location, either way, there's a cost involved.

If a power point presentation is used, a Projector will need to be shipped and then shipped back home as well as a laptop, and all the cords, mouse, etc.

Chairs usually have to be rented for the classroom portion. I've been teaching classes since 1988, that's 22 years and I know all you guys want to just show up and grab a buffer and start buffing but experience shows, (and TONS of experience from teaching hundreds of car clubs and thousands of guys and a few girls), that getting Head-Knowledge FIRST and then putting what you learn into practice is a time-proven system for learning both idea and skills and retaining the information and the skills past a day or two.

Coffee and donuts in the morning, this is an expense.
Pizza and soda pop in the afternoon, this is an expense.
Round-trip Airline Tickets to the off-site location, this is an expense.
Hotel reservations for usually at least 2 nights for a one day class, 3 nights for two classes
Rental car to get from the airport to the class location, 2-3 days
Meals for 2-3 days
Incidentals (There's always incidentals)

I've done at least a dozen roadshow classes, some were 1 day classes some were 2 day classes and one time I did 3 classes in a row, fly in on a Thursday, hold classes Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then fly out on Monday.

It's a lot more complicated than a local GTG where a bunch of guys converge on someone's garage and bring their personal collection of stuff and share like a potluck. The average cost of a one day class ranges from $1000.00 to $1500.00 depending upon airline tickets, and that's just to cover expenses.

One time I tried to organize one of these on my own with no company backing, I posted a sign-up thread with a fee of $75.00 to cover my costs and within minutes a forum member complained about the cost.

To be practical, it's not good business for a venture like this to only cover costs, in America, being successful also means making a profit. If you don't make a profit you go out of business and that's called doing bad business.

Don't know if the above means anything to anyone as I would love to do Roadshows, it's just a matter of,
  1. Coordinating them
  2. Paying for them
  3. Making a profit
  4. Making everyone happy
I learned a long time ago the only good deals in life are win/win deals, that is where everyone wins. Getting 2 of these 4 listed times is pretty easy, it's the last 2 things that are a challenge.

Make sense?

And oh yeah... Max just built a brand new, state of the art classroom which already has all of the above and more...


I would love to come down for a class, but like so many others I will have to fly down because I live in MN. So I have two questions. First is there a way to put out a calendar with dates farther out so it is easier to make planes (schedule vacation and transportation). Second how a bout a maybe a 3-4 day class just for people that would have to come a long way?
dammit I wish you all could have done this last month when I was 30 miles south of your store for the weekend! :(

I want to make one of these classes at some point this year!

I would love to come down for a class, but like so many others I will have to fly down because I live in MN. So I have two questions. First is there a way to put out a calendar with dates farther out so it is easier to make planes (schedule vacation and transportation).

When I was the Instructor and Admin for MeguiarsOnline, I created a yearly calendar for all classes, Saturday Classes, both the 101 and 102, Extreme Makeovers, Thursday Night "Open Garage" classes and Roadshow Classes as we had people around the U.S. and from other countries attend these classes and as you point out, it's important to have time to properly arrange schedules and make plans.

I will do that here also but to start with I posted the first class we will have after Detail Fest and in our new Training Room which is also our new Studio, it was built for dual purposes. I'll post a picture of the new Training Room/Studio next week.

Second how a bout a maybe a 3-4 day class just for people that would have to come a long way?

That's a good question but at this time we're not teaching things like carpet cleaning with extraction units, engine cleaning with pressure washers and steam cleaners, the etc.

Fact is, (and I've been doing this for a loooong time), most people want to learn how to make their paint look good, actually, most people want to learn how to make their paint look GREAT!

No one goes to a car show and walks over to Joe and says,

"Wow Joe, the carpet in your Corvette really looks great"


"Wow Joe, your door panels are looking great!"

It's the paint that makes or breaks a cool car and anyone that's been involved in the car world knows that so many of the "cool" cars you see either at a car show, in a parking lot or in someone's garage is less that great and it's because most "car guys" don't actually know how to work on paint either by hand or by machine.

And it's not the great and mighty "Painter" that creates the beauty of a custom paint job it's the guy that does the paint polishing.

I can't tell you how many older guys have been through my classes at Meguiar's in Irvine, HARDCORE car guys living and driving in SoCal, the place that's considered "Car Mecca" and what they say goes just like this,

"I learned today I've been doing things wrong for 30 years"

Or fill in any number for the year part. You can actually read these types of comments by reading the "Pictures & Comments" thread on MOL as I made each person that wanted to attend the class join the forum and sign-up via a "Sign-up Thread", that's where the entire sign-up thread came from on MOL and that's from yours truly.

I can't tell you how many old guys that were not computer oriented that I walked through, step-by-step, how to,

  • Register with a vBulletin Discussion Forum
  • How to check their e-mail and confirm their registration
  • How to find the sign-up thread for the date of the class they wanted to attend
  • How to "Reply" to a sign-up thread.

In fact if you look on the bottom of the Meguiar's Online homepage you'll see a serious of screenshots with text instructions that show someone how to do all of the above.... that's all me, I did all that to try to help myself spend less time showing people how to interact on this thing we call a "Discussion Forum". This is something I've been hoping to do for the forum also as we have a LOT of people coming to the forum that are new to forums and suffer through the same stumbling block...

I can't tell you how many times I would have a guy on the phone complaining that he couldn't put his name on the list on a sign-up thread by trying to type on a page while not being a registered forum member. Can you imagine? LOL

One of the reasons I had people become members of the forum is because since I ran the forum and wrote all or most of all the articles, I know where are the articles are and as we went through the class and the various topics would come up in the class I would show the students where to find the information on the forum.

BECAUSE I knew they couldn't remember everything they would learn in the class but now that they now how to interact on a forum and how to find it on the Internet they could come back to it an refresh their memories and maybe, just maybe learn about new products or techniques in the process as the forum is ever changing..

But I digress...

Back to the point, a 3-4 day class would be good with a more encompassing selection of topics but most people that know me know I'm mostly a paint polisher and since that's what most guys want to learn that's where I like to put the focus. I prefer to specialize than to try to be an expert on so many different segments, like how to clean exploded cola out of a fragile headliner. :D

dammit I wish you all could have done this last month when I was 30 miles south of your store for the weekend! :(

Sorry... the new Classroom/Studio wasn't finished... the new classroom is HUGE!

We can pull a full size car inside and hold 50+ people with plenty of elbow room to spare. Wait till you see the pictures next week or see it yourself in person at Detail Fest.

Everyone here at Autogeek has been and is working as hard as they can to make anyone's visit to Autogeek's Show Car Garage a GREAT experience, trust me...

Thanks Mike,

I hope to make it to one yet this year or early next.
I'm with Birdhunter on this one. I realize it's hard to put out a year long schedule because there's too many variables, but I'm holding out for a Detailing 101 & 102 weekend, maybe with a late Thursday afternoon add-on?
I'm with Birdhunter on this one. I realize it's hard to put out a year long schedule because there's too many variables,

Actually, it's not hard to do at all and what I posted in my reply was that historically I have always posed a year long schedule usually in December before the next calendar year.

Classes through Autogeek are a "new thing", just like they were a new thing when I brought them up on the Meguiar's discussion forum.

Meguiar's already had a dedicated training room and a training garage, these to HUGE items are new for us here at Autogeek and Detail Fest will be the first time we've opened the doors, so we weren't ready to post a schedule for the year yet.

But again, as I posted in my reply, the normal protocol for myself is to post a schedule for a year, heck look through my posting history on MOL you'll see I always posted a schedules for entire years with all classes listed each month. It's not that I can't or won't, it's just that we haven't been ready to move forward on this yet.

I will post a schedule for the year after Detail Fest.

Thanks for your patience...

Thanks Mike. I appreciate that you & AutoGeek are offering classes and are willing to work with people.
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Mike my partner will be attending, he needs to sign up on here. But he will be attending.
This will be a useful class for me (and everyone else, I'm sure) because I am in the market for an orbital buffer. Not only do I get to learn from one of the best in the field, but I can use the experience to evaluate the different machines and make a more informed purchase.

Should be fun!
This will be a useful class for me (and everyone else, I'm sure) because I am in the market for an orbital buffer. Not only do I get to learn from one of the best in the field, but I can use the experience to evaluate the different machines and make a more informed purchase.

Should be fun!

That is one great point about these classes, you really get to put your hands on a wide assortment of polishers to try out before you buy.
Free Air Fair with all orders $10,000 order no problem,

I hear they also give Autogeek Bucks for all orders over $500.00, and you can use them for product when you get enough..bucks...