Thank you for 7th Detail Fest 2012!


Super Moderator
Mar 3, 2006
I just wanted to say thank you to several people for an awesome weekend! First of all thank you Max for letting us pull off this insane weekend. I have to say our boss really is amazing, even when we think he has given his all he pulls something else out of his hat! Max makes us all be the best we can so thank you!
Jason you are the Yin for my Yin and Yang, my partner at work, sometimes my partner in crime but always a great friend and supporter to whatever we want to do in that building! Jason makes it run from behind the scenes, there is no problem he cannot solve. Not to mention he is hell on wheels with finding power and making those computers run!

As for our staff, well we just have the best staff there is, they never say no and they never give up! They have put in hours that would make a strong man cry and then ask what else can they do... Just amazing! From Jeff processing orders and taking photos, to Penny, Nicole, Kendra, Niki, Falynn and Izzi working the Cash and Carry both... Casey helping out in the classroom, Joann, Mary, Barbara, Ashley working the info booth, Scott helping Jason with the computers....Eric, Bobby, Todd, Matt, Ray, Nick working our vendors booths and doing demos....Our MC's Jim and Doreen... Mike Phillips, Joe Fernandez, Renny Doyle, Todd Helme teaching classes.... and then in the warehouse and supporting crew we had our warehouse manager Colin, and then Chris, Alfonoso, Sean, Anna, Nick, Lucas getting orders out... to the parking crew, Max, Jim, Erik, Todd and our girls assisting the outside vendors, Danielle and Jill....Bill doing our night security. And of course to Yancy for bringing Detail Fest to all of you and for getting $600 raised for charity, by the way your hair looks great!

For some of my friends that I have made through the forum over the years.... Ed Scully my side kick thank you for coming down every year early and helping get all of our cars ready and helping with setting up to just about anything we need. You are like family to us at Autogeek and we really appreciate all you do. Pat McCall you are just as amazing, been working with me on the Car Show along with Adam aka HarleyGuy for a while now, thank you both for making this car show amazing. Pat I really appreciate you always lending a hand at all of our events, we are blessed to have you. And Adam, Corey, Bill thank you for the hours out there sweating and not giving up while judging all the cars. True professionals and a pleasure to have you guys help us out.

Our celebrities that made time out in their busy schedules for us. Dennis Gage with My Classic Car and Matt Steele and Bruno Massel with TruckU. Dennis Gage even came down stairs to visit everyone for the social at Marriott. And Matt and Bruno you guys are always amazing, thank you for helping out as always.

To our food vendors, well it was awesome that we had Pizza being made from scratch on a Fire Truck so thank you Don at 4 Alarm Pizza. Aaron Merullo and the amazing Hot Dogs, he sold out everyday and asked to please come back next year!! And to My Daddy's BBQ, Jethro always makes us the best pulled pork and ribs, we love to see his grill pull up every year! And to Seaside Italian Ice you make a mean Italian Ice, I had to try two just to make sure but WOW!

And Tommy Winch you play some amazing Jimmy Buffet music and are so accommodating with us we so enjoy your music and thank you for your help.

To both of our non-profits, thank you LLS and Humane Society for coming out and supporting our event. We hope the money we have raised can assist to make your organizations help others!

Thank you Ken Cole for helping raise money for LLS and for Fur Seasons for coming out and doing Dog Baths to help out Humane Society.

For all the car show attendees thank you for making your cars shine and bringing them in to display. It's so nice to look out there and see the awesome vehicles that show up every year.

And to our big Rigs, thank you Mothers espeically Forrest and Trucker John. I know with your busy schedules its a lot to ask to get that big rig here but you do it every year for us! Thank you. Meguiars you never let us down either, great crew and great demo's this year. Thank you Stoops, Rose, Pedre, Ian and all the others that made it happened at your rig this year.

3M van and demo crew, you guys went all out this year, great demo's! Loved the painted 3M hoods and so happy you got to join us!

Ding Inc, you two are a fixture at Detail Fest, our customers wait all year to see Kevin and Kari so they can fix their cars. Thank you so much for coming out and making us dent free! Amazing family and great friends, see you two soon!

And to the main event, the one's that make all of this happen, our vendors!
Zach Dietz at Aztec, Brian Schmidt with Covercraft, PJ and Michelle with Dodo Juice, Kevin and Karen Halewood with Mobile Tech News, Mike with Einzette, Bob Eichelberg (Flex North America) and Mr. Suby (Flex Germany), Rob Wood and Steve Kovach from Griots Garage, Chris, Luan and Doug Lamb from Grit Guard, Eric Dunn from Lake Country, Gary Rothenberg from Leather Masters, Menzerna, Chris Thomas from Optimum Polymer Technologies, Steve Gay and Bruce Maus from P21s, Steve and Pockets from Poorboys, Rick and Sam from Premium Car Care, Rick Goldstein from Raggtopp, Peter and Linda Jentzsch from Flitz, Travis Lamb and Dennis Povio from 3M, Jason Rose, Mike Stoops, David Pedre, Ian from Meguiars, Ron Geczi with Shop Vac, Heather with FedEx, Chris West with Solution Finish, David Stern from Metro Vac, Forrest with Mothers, Jason Whiteley with Sonax USA!

And most importantly UPS, for sponsoring this event and always taking great care of! We love the brown truck and all that it does for!

And most importantly thank you to all of you that showed up for Detail Fest, we cannot throw this without you!! I hope you all had a blast and will be back next year!

It has been a very long few weeks so if I forgot someone it's not because of anything but just due to my brain napping but thank you everyone for all you did this event takes a small city to pull off and each person is as important as the next. So thank you for everyone for putting up with the crazy hours, hard labor, and missing time with your family to spend it with ours.

Till next year....get ready for 8th Detail Fest 2013!

My pleasure and it was a real honor to be asked too judge the two days of car shows .To my buddies Corey and Bill and Pat thanks for helping out this weekend with the cars shows and too my wife for making some awesome cookies and banana breads sorry if some of the attendees didn't get any of the treats you can blame Meghan for that the boss always comes first .
My pleasure and it was a real honor to be asked too judge the two days of car shows .To my buddies Corey and Bill and Pat thanks for helping out this weekend with the cars shows and too my wife for making some awesome cookies and banana breads sorry if some of the attendees didn't get any of the treats you can blame Meghan for that the boss always comes first .

I knew I was going to forget a few thank you's, can you PM me your wife's first name I would love to send her a thank you card. I feel like she has been fattening me up for years now I have to properly thank her!
Meghan...It was great to work with you and the AG staff so closely this year on DF. I can really appreciate the hard work that everyone puts in to make this event happen. You really know how to make someone feel part of the "family".

The car show was a complete success thanks to Adam and Bill. We had over 90 cars on Saturday and they were amazing.

I can't stop thinking about the weekend and what a great time that I had. I am already looking forward to next year. Im the MANIm the MAN
Thank you Meghan! Bill, Adam, and Pat were amazing out there on Saturday for hours! That's a lot of cars! I was honored to be able to help a bit on Sunday. Thank you :).
Thank you Meghan! Bill, Adam, and Pat were amazing out there on Saturday for hours! That's a lot of cars! I was honored to be able to help a bit on Sunday. Thank you :).

Corey looking forward to what we will be putting together next year, you guys have all given me ideas to make it even better! :dblthumb2:
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night shall keep me from Detail Fest. Had a great time talking to Renny and Joe and Todd and Richard and Ed and everybody else I talked to. Certainly an awesome group of people that I enjoy doing business with. Nick, great to see you again. PJ, keep a handle on Mr. Skittles. Looking forward to doing it all again next year!

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night shall keep me from Detail Fest. Had a great time talking to Renny and Joe and Todd and Richard and Ed and everybody else I talked to. Certainly an awesome group of people that I enjoy doing business with. Nick, great to see you again. PJ, keep a handle on Mr. Skittles. Looking forward to doing it all again next year!


I was lucky enough to be given a Mr Skittles from PJ, now my Dodo shelf is completely full!
I just wanted to say thank you to several people for an awesome weekend! First of all thank you Max for letting us pull off this insane weekend. I have to say our boss really is amazing, even when we think he has given his all he pulls something else out of his hat! Max makes us all be the best we can so thank you!
Jason you are the Yin for my Yin and Yang, my partner at work, sometimes my partner in crime but always a great friend and supporter to whatever we want to do in that building! Jason makes it run from behind the scenes, there is no problem he cannot solve. Not to mention he is hell on wheels with finding power and making those computers run!

As for our staff, well we just have the best staff there is, they never say no and they never give up! They have put in hours that would make a strong man cry and then ask what else can they do... Just amazing! From Jeff processing orders and taking photos, to Penny, Nicole, Kendra, Niki, Falynn and Izzi working the Cash and Carry both... Casey helping out in the classroom, Joann, Mary, Barbara, Ashley working the info booth, Scott helping Jason with the computers....Eric, Bobby, Todd, Matt, Ray, Nick working our vendors booths and doing demos....Our MC's Jim and Doreen... Mike Phillips, Joe Fernandez, Renny Doyle, Todd Helme teaching classes.... and then in the warehouse and supporting crew we had our warehouse manager Colin, and then Chris, Alfonoso, Sean, Anna, Nick, Lucas getting orders out... to the parking crew, Max, Jim, Erik, Todd and our girls assisting the outside vendors, Danielle and Jill....Bill doing our night security. And of course to Yancy for bringing Detail Fest to all of you and for getting $600 raised for charity, by the way your hair looks great!

For some of my friends that I have made through the forum over the years.... Ed Scully my side kick thank you for coming down every year early and helping get all of our cars ready and helping with setting up to just about anything we need. You are like family to us at Autogeek and we really appreciate all you do. Pat McCall you are just as amazing, been working with me on the Car Show along with Adam aka HarleyGuy for a while now, thank you both for making this car show amazing. Pat I really appreciate you always lending a hand at all of our events, we are blessed to have you. And Adam, Corey, Bill thank you for the hours out there sweating and not giving up while judging all the cars. True professionals and a pleasure to have you guys help us out.

Our celebrities that made time out in their busy schedules for us. Dennis Gage with My Classic Car and Matt Steele and Bruno Massel with TruckU. Dennis Gage even came down stairs to visit everyone for the social at Marriott. And Matt and Bruno you guys are always amazing, thank you for helping out as always.

To our food vendors, well it was awesome that we had Pizza being made from scratch on a Fire Truck so thank you Don at 4 Alarm Pizza. Aaron Merullo and the amazing Hot Dogs, he sold out everyday and asked to please come back next year!! And to My Daddy's BBQ, Jethro always makes us the best pulled pork and ribs, we love to see his grill pull up every year! And to Seaside Italian Ice you make a mean Italian Ice, I had to try two just to make sure but WOW!

And Tommy Winch you play some amazing Jimmy Buffet music and are so accommodating with us we so enjoy your music and thank you for your help.

To both of our non-profits, thank you LLS and Humane Society for coming out and supporting our event. We hope the money we have raised can assist to make your organizations help others!

Thank you Ken Cole for helping raise money for LLS and for Fur Seasons for coming out and doing Dog Baths to help out Humane Society.

For all the car show attendees thank you for making your cars shine and bringing them in to display. It's so nice to look out there and see the awesome vehicles that show up every year.

And to our big Rigs, thank you Mothers espeically Forrest and Trucker John. I know with your busy schedules its a lot to ask to get that big rig here but you do it every year for us! Thank you. Meguiars you never let us down either, great crew and great demo's this year. Thank you Stoops, Rose, Pedre, Ian and all the others that made it happened at your rig this year.

3M van and demo crew, you guys went all out this year, great demo's! Loved the painted 3M hoods and so happy you got to join us!

Ding Inc, you two are a fixture at Detail Fest, our customers wait all year to see Kevin and Kari so they can fix their cars. Thank you so much for coming out and making us dent free! Amazing family and great friends, see you two soon!

And to the main event, the one's that make all of this happen, our vendors!
Zach Dietz at Aztec, Brian Schmidt with Covercraft, PJ and Michelle with Dodo Juice, Kevin and Karen Halewood with Mobile Tech News, Mike with Einzette, Bob Eichelberg (Flex North America) and Mr. Suby (Flex Germany), Rob Wood and Steve Kovach from Griots Garage, Chris, Luan and Doug Lamb from Grit Guard, Eric Dunn from Lake Country, Gary Rothenberg from Leather Masters, Menzerna, Chris West from Optimum Polymer Technologies, Steve Gay and Bruce Maus from P21s, Steve and Pockets from Poorboys, Rick and Sam from Premium Car Care, Rick Goldstein from Raggtopp, Peter and Linda Jentzsch from Flitz, Travis Lamb and Dennis Povio from 3M, Jason Rose, Mike Stoops, David Pedre, Ian from Meguiars, Ron Geczi with Shop Vac, Heather with FedEx, Chris West with Solution Finish, David Stern from Metro Vac, Forrest with Mothers, Jason Whiteley with Sonax USA!

And most importantly UPS, for sponsoring this event and always taking great care of! We love the brown truck and all that it does for!

And most importantly thank you to all of you that showed up for Detail Fest, we cannot throw this without you!! I hope you all had a blast and will be back next year!

It has been a very long few weeks so if I forgot someone it's not because of anything but just due to my brain napping but thank you everyone for all you did this event takes a small city to pull off and each person is as important as the next. So thank you for everyone for putting up with the crazy hours, hard labor, and missing time with your family to spend it with ours.

Till next year....get ready for 8th Detail Fest 2013!

What she said. :dblthumb2:
Thanks so much to all of the Autogeek staff for putting on a great event!!! LaDonna(PitchBlack) and myself(Crazymagman) have always wanted to come, but our schedules never worked out for it until this year. We drove down from TN on Thursday night and Friday and then back home again on Sunday afternoon and Monday. We had an awesome time on Saturday and Sunday, got to see some awesome cars, meet the people we talk to on here all the time, and of course attend a few detailing classes. What a wonderful event, and we'll try and make it again another year. Thanks so much again to everyone!!
Meghan, Nick, Mike, Yancy, Max, and everyone at AG ...

Thank YOU for a wonderful weekend, I was very fortunate to take part in. I only did one thing (judging) and it was overwhelming, you all deserve a huge hand for everything you do behind the scenes to make Detail Fest run.

It is a big trip for me, and I got very little sleep, however, I had a smashingly good time hanging out with my friends, chatting and learning new things from the vendors, and enjoying (a bit too much) Florida sun.

I have some fun media to share from the weekend I am finishing up now :)
I had a great time. Thanks for having me.

More importantly, EVERY autogeek employee I saw all weekend had a smile on their face. ALL THE TIME.

I'm just a grouchy old curmudgeon and I'm in awe at all the happiness exuded by the folks that helped to make it possible - even while working impossible hours.

AG rocks.
My pleasure and it was a real honor to be asked too judge the two days of car shows .To my buddies Corey and Bill and Pat thanks for helping out this weekend with the cars shows and too my wife for making some awesome cookies and banana breads sorry if some of the attendees didn't get any of the treats you can blame Meghan for that the boss always comes first .

I knew I was going to forget a few thank you's, can you PM me your wife's first name I would love to send her a thank you card. I feel like she has been fattening me up for years now I have to properly thank her!

seconded - i was lucky enough to sample cookies in november with all the guys doing the thursday night laugh offs (sorry details) > please send my thanks to the baker and report they are like no other 8)

AND... thanks to Meghan and the whole Autogeek crew for everything - the Dodo loves the geeks...
Meghan, Nick, Mike, Yancy, Max, and everyone at AG ...

Thank YOU for a wonderful weekend, I was very fortunate to take part in. I only did one thing (judging) and it was overwhelming, you all deserve a huge hand for everything you do behind the scenes to make Detail Fest run.

It is a big trip for me, and I got very little sleep, however, I had a smashingly good time hanging out with my friends, chatting and learning new things from the vendors, and enjoying (a bit too much) Florida sun.

I have some fun media to share from the weekend I am finishing up now :)
Bill was absolutely great having you help out this year, no one gets to see all of the planning side of an event like this but thanks to you, Pat, Adam and Corey the car show went very well.

I had a great time. Thanks for having me.

More importantly, EVERY autogeek employee I saw all weekend had a smile on their face. ALL THE TIME.

I'm just a grouchy old curmudgeon and I'm in awe at all the happiness exuded by the folks that helped to make it possible - even while working impossible hours.

AG rocks.
Forrest I have to say we have the most amazing staff in the industry, heck I haven't been to any company where the staff is this great! We are truly blessed and we have made it a point to let them know how much we appreciate their help. An event like this is nothing without a wonderful crew like ours behind it! So thank you all!!