Using alcohol to clean up sap on car paint


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Jul 11, 2015
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I recently saw some sap on the hood of a car. I used isopropyl alcohol to remove the sap, which it did rather quickly. I read a lot about using alcohol on paint, and read that it removes everything on top of the paint itself, so I went ahead and applied some wax.

After reading through 10-15 tabs, I recall something about continuing to use it if the paint looked clear, or cloudy, or something, because there still might be oil from the sap left over. At this point, I forget what that was about, because when I went through all those tabs, I was just focused on whether or not alcohol would hurt the paint.

When I am done removing the sap, what is the idea here--I should use another swab with alcohol, until the paint is cloudy, or until it is clear, or what?????
Alchohol will not "HURT" paint.. per se but rubbing paint with a MF cloth which has alchohol on it can, but this is due to he alchohol being a pretty poor lubricant, rather than the chemical itself....
Alchohol also flashes off very quickly so it won't leave much behind as long as you give it a minute before applying your LSP....
Biggest risk here is poor cleanliness of clothes and the technique for wiping.. .

Re remaining oil, well if you can't see it or feel it and the cloth appears to not change its state (ie residue transfer) then you ought be fairly sure you have it all off.. then onto lsp...


All the best mate.
I was under the impression that it had the ability to hurt the paint. Which is why the common recommendation is to dilute it down in the area of 15% alcohol to water (Most will use distilled water for IPA).
I was under the impression that it had the ability to hurt the paint. Which is why the common recommendation is to dilute it down in the area of 15% alcohol to water (Most will use distilled water for IPA).

There was no colored paint on the cotton swabs I had dabbed with alcohol, although that doesn't mean it didn't hurt the clear coat. I found so many detailers talking about using it I didn't worry about this.

In fact, there was no dirt or any grime at all on the swabs, even though the sap had disappeared (did it just dissolve?).