What to use on running boards Steps?


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May 29, 2010
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Hi All,

My truck's chrome running boards have black plastic pads where you step when getting in. They've really been fading lately and like to restore them but am hesitant because I don't want to make them slippery or obvious reasons. Does anyone know if Black WoW or Ultima Tire and Trim Guard will leave them slippery? Any suggestions or is this one area I'm just going to have to live with faded plastic? TIA for any tips or suggestions. Cheers. //bluegoose//
I would use a trim product such as Car Pro DLux. It will restore the black look, leave the surface not slippery, and most importantly will protect for up to a year.
I have had good results with dg
271. Some forum folks turned me on to it. Lasts a good while and six bux.
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You can give DG 271 a try. For $8.00 it is not a great sacrifice.
Duragloss Rubber & Flat Black Dressing (RBD) #271

I have tried all the high dollar stuff with no success on the Wife's Toyota Sienna's rear hatch step. I bought the DG 271 and we are back to black again. I do not really know why DLux, Solution Finish or UTTG did not work other than I think the step pad being a different plastic/rubber mix. DLux and UTTG work great on other parts of the vehicles tho.

My Pathfinder has black plastic running boards. I've tried many products. I've found nothing that lasts very long, but some that aren't slippery. Black Wow is like oil, so that is out. Chemical Guys Black to Black works well and isn't slippery, it dries. Solution Finish was a huge waste of money. Adams VRT isn't bad.
Don't use Wolfgang Exterior Trim Sealant on them. Nearly killed myself on my step bars with it.
I have been using Duragloss 301 on my all plastic running boards. It seems to hold up pretty good and doesn't run as bad as some stuff. It is pretty slippery for a couple days.
I really like uttg. Wipe off the excess. It will dry. If your plastic is really faded, I like Forever Black to restore the color. It works really well. Just smooth out any bubbles with a paper towel or disposable rag as they will leave dark rings on the plastic if you don't. Hope it helps.
Great suggestions folks, thanks so much! //bluegoose//

Andr3wilson: I actually have some 303 so I'm going to give it a try (don't know why I didn't think of it) and report back.
I would use a trim product such as Car Pro DLux. It will restore the black look, leave the surface not slippery, and most importantly will protect for up to a year.

+1 for DLUX!!!

My Pathfinder has black plastic running boards. I've tried many products. I've found nothing that lasts very long, but some that aren't slippery. Black Wow is like oil, so that is out. Chemical Guys Black to Black works well and isn't slippery, it dries. Solution Finish was a huge waste of money. Adams VRT isn't bad.

Why were you not happy with Solution Finish? I have been doing some ongoing testing and it is holding strong on my truck that sits outside 24/7. It's been about 3 months and there is still a pretty big difference on the tape line.
If they're not expensive, maybe you could switch them out for a new set.

Or have them powder coated.

I know that may sounded odd, but when I had my rear calipers coated at a reputable shop, the owner showed me around the facility and all sorts of materials they've coated, which included; plastic lawn furniture, computer towers, tools, etc.
I have an Expedition and use Poorboys Trim Restorer on my running boards. It looks great and does not make them slick.
Has anyone tried 303 on it?

I tried 303 on the Sienna. Unless it was buffed in with a wool pad and rotary it did not last a week. When buffed in 3-4 weeks. Reapplication would be the same. Testing the DG 271 now and the results are promising so far.

Hi All,

My truck's chrome running boards have black plastic pads where you step when getting in. They've really been fading lately and like to restore them but am hesitant because I don't want to make them slippery or obvious reasons. Does anyone know if Black WoW or Ultima Tire and Trim Guard will leave them slippery? Any suggestions or is this one area I'm just going to have to live with faded plastic? TIA for any tips or suggestions. Cheers. //bluegoose//
Clean them with CarPro TarX, nothing else comes close on running boards! Wipe with a damp cloth. Dry fully and apply CarPro DLUX. No slip and lasts and lasts! Use ONR @detail spray strength to clean.
Great suggestions folks, thanks so much! //bluegoose//

Andr3wilson: I actually have some 303 so I'm going to give it a try (don't know why I didn't think of it) and report back.
Dont try 303!
+1 for DLUX!!!

Why were you not happy with Solution Finish? I have been doing some ongoing testing and it is holding strong on my truck that sits outside 24/7. It's been about 3 months and there is still a pretty big difference on the tape line.

While I like the look of SF I've had very poor durability with it. Basic it lasts 1 wash only. Now the plastic I have been using it on isn't "faded", I'm mainly using it as a dressing. I've applied it to several pieces and it washes off.

I've gone as far as to remove the pieces from the car, scrub them with APC, then rinse off with water, and then clean with alcohol. It looks great when applied, but goes back to looking like it did before I put anything on it after a wash.

I've also used it on a rubber strip on a roof rack rails. There it seems to stick well and last, but looks smeary. So I see 4 possibilities:

1. I bought my SF on BOGO, it was old stock and is defective

2. SF only sticks to certain plastics

3. SF sticks only to faded plastics

4. SF is a rip off at @ $30 an ounce for a dressing that will easily wash off.

Honestly, I'm not sure which one it is.