Wolfgang Si02 rinseless wash leaves haze


New member
Sep 8, 2017
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Hey guys,
just recently switched from ONR to the Wolfgang si02. My technique is using one ounce in a gallon or two of water for the wash mitts and I also have diluted solution in a pump sprayer in which I pre spray the entire car before I start. Well anyway, I follow the dilution ratios pretty closely and I get hazing on some of the panels and front side windows. Using ONR previously, I never got the haze.

thoughts or suggestions? I really like the slickness of the si02 especially since all my vehicles are ceramic coated with Wolfgang or BF ceramic.

Thanks everyone!
The directions say to do a section at a time and immediately dry. Based on that, I wouldn't prespray with it.
The directions say to do a section at a time and immediately dry. Based on that, I wouldn't prespray with it.

I didn’t see that. I wonder if I could prespray one panel at a time though…then dry?
Scale back your dilutions.

Directions call for 1 oz per 2 gallons. You say your putting "one or two" in your bucket. With a ceramic component adding more is likely not a good idea and is possibly the reason for your hazing. With regular RW's, adding a little extra usually doesn't have any negative effects but with si02 based RW's, one has to be more cautious.

And skip the pre rinse. Your dilution in your bottle here is likely too strong.

Honestly I think pre rinsing is waste of time and product. I have been doing RW for many years now and I have NEVER needed to pre rinse. As long as you use a good practice and common sense, you can clean the paint (even when its heavily soiled) without marring.
You most certainly can pre-soak a panel with it and wash it. People always have an issue when trying to make the pre-soak and the easiest solution to make it is to dunk your spray bottle or pump sprayer into the bucket of solution that has already been made. You may have to shrink your area down depending on the weather and work smaller areas.
Thanks guys! I will try a lower dilution and perhaps skip the presoak unless it’s quite dirty (winter months).
I think a panel at a time will help too.
Keep the pre-soak. I would rather have more lubrication and allow the prosciutto to encapsulate whatever is on the surface. I gave you the best method to make your pre-soak.
… I would rather have more lubrication and allow the prosciutto to encapsulate whatever is on the surface. …

I know it’s autocorrect strikes again, but I love to think that fancy ham could be the next revolution in paint care. :laughing: :dblthumb2:
I didn’t see that. I wonder if I could prespray one panel at a time though…then dry?

Absolutely. That is the way I roll with the Wolfgang SiO2 rinseless wash. I actually watched a video the Guz put together in Carpro Echo2 (which is another good rinseless wash) and do what he suggests which is to dunk a spray bottle and fill it up with the rinseless wash solution straight from the bucket - pure genius. . I mix 3 gallons with about 2 ounces of the solution. Then, I put a spray bottle in and presoak one panel at a time, wash that panel, then dry that panel.
I never used their SiO2 product but I use Wolfgang Uber all of the time. That dilution ratio is 1 oz per 3 gallons of water. Perhaps you can use that ratio instead. The presoak is not necessary and it is important to do one panel at a time. The type of towel you are using is also important. Try a high quality drying towel like Griots PFM.