Shane (CieraSL) - a VERY Thoughtful Man


New member
Jul 12, 2009
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Hi guys, I already sent a PM to Shane and conveyed what this meant to me but I couldn't help but share it with the rest of AG.

So, I got home from work today and when I checked the mail there was a box in there. I couldn't imagine what it might be. Then I saw it was from Shane. I thought to myself, "Hmmm, what could this be?"


As I opened the box I discovered something extremely unexpected.


To say I was shocked and touched is an understatement. This was just an extremely thoughtful gift out of the blue. I have never sent Shane any product or even any sample of anything but he really put some thought into this for me! I didn't even know you could find one of these for a Sky and I'm sure it took as much effort as it did thought. Not only that it's even the 2008! Beneath the model of the Sky Redline (Red just like Skybaby) was a letter from Shane with some very kind words. I have to say I was sincerely humbled by his thoughtfulness and motivated to try and be a better person myself.

Heres a couple more photos...





I found the perfect place for this gift! Im the MAN

And now I just have to figure out which LSP to use.....

Thank you Shane :thankyousign:
This is truly an awesome gift!!!
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Re: Shane (CieraSL) a very thoughtful gift

God bless you Shane :) That was an awesome idea! :dblthumb2: Corey, that looks right at home with your hard earned trophy buddy!
Re: Shane (CieraSL) a very thoughtful gift

How cool is that :props:
A Awsome gift from a thoughtful person for a deserving guy.

Very cool thing you did Shane!

Corey it looks right at home next to that trophy.
Wow!!!!!!!! Just goes to show that there are some truly great people on this forum!
That is awesome!

Now the question will be whether you spend more time detailing Skybaby, or Baby-Skybaby :laughing:
That is awesome!

Now the question will be whether you spend more time detailing Skybaby, or Baby-Skybaby :laughing:

Baby-Skybaby! AWESOME! I have a feeling Corey is going to give the Baby-Skybaby the Ultima detailing package!
CieraSl: what a nice guy. 2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

CEE DOG: don't forget a write up on how you deal with those dealership holograms and swirls. might need this.

I believe that God is best able to use us when we give to others from the heart, with all due humbleness before God and man. I gave my gift because I wanted to, because knowing that Corey will enjoy having it as much as I enjoyed giving it was a blessing to me. I firmly believe that "it comes back around" - that a giving heart will be rewarded, if not on earth, then most certainly in Heaven. And when I give to someone else, the only thing I ask is that they pass it on, and keep the chain going.

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." Luke 6:38
Now that is very cool! Very thoughtful of you Shane and to it something like that on a whim is even better! :dblthumb2:
I believe that God is best able to use us when we give to others from the heart, with all due humbleness before God and man. I gave my gift because I wanted to, because knowing that Corey will enjoy having it as much as I enjoyed giving it was a blessing to me. I firmly believe that "it comes back around" - that a giving heart will be rewarded, if not on earth, then most certainly in Heaven. And when I give to someone else, the only thing I ask is that they pass it on, and keep the chain going.

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." Luke 6:38
I like your faith in God. :props:
Wow! Thats truly a great-great gesture!

My utmost respect to Shane!

Truly selfless guy :xyxthumbs:
Shane's deeds never cease to amaze me....... good karma my friend, good karma
Wow .... That is really awesome Shane :props:
What a thoughtful gift and Corey is a guy that will truly cherish and covet it for a long time to come.