View Full Version : Hands burning after Ultima Waterless Wash +

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10-02-2011, 09:34 AM
I got my first shipment of UWW+ with my order from the Fall Sale. I mixed it as directed. I used .75 oz in a 32 oz Spraymaster bottle. I used it yesterday for the first time. It worked well and left a nice shine. Shortly after finishing, I noticed a mild but uncomfortable burning sensation on the palms and fingers of both hands. I suspected it was from the UWW+ as it never happened before with any other product I have used on my cars. I washed my hands and used some Benadryl cream. The burning eventually stopped after about eight to ten hours. This morning, I tried the spray again on two vehicles covered with last nights rain water. When I finished, I again had, and continue to have burning on the palms and fingers of both hands. I can say with confidence now that it is from the UWW+. The only warning on the bottle is regarding swallowing it. There are some generic first aid suggestions for various exposures. There should be an explicit warning on the label that this product is a potential skin irritant. There is no MSDS on Ultima's web site. While I understand that there are broad variations in different individuals susceptibility to having these reactions, I am not unusually susceptible. I will be calling AG tomorrow AM for a refund. I shouldn't have to wear gloves to do a quick wipe down.

Flash Gordon
10-02-2011, 09:45 AM
Sounds like you allergic to one of the ingredients. Wear rubber gloves or send the stuff to me

10-02-2011, 10:10 AM
An allergic reaction isn't AG's fault, but good luck. If it were me, and if I thought it was that big of a deal, I'd be calling Ultima (Premium Finish Care) for the complaint. However, I don't think it's that big of a deal since you already know that if you use gloves you can prevent it, but I'm not you. If you're not fully satisfied you're certainly entitled to an opinion and a refund.

Since it's such a good product, and not many people complain about its performance, why not keep it and use some gloves. I mean, you did do it twice and confirmed it was a reaction, so don't do it again. A person never knows when they may potentially be allergic or have a reaction to a particular liquid. Skin is porous, and a person really should use gloves all the time.

Good rule of thumb;
If you're not washing your hands, use gloves. Hand washing should be the only repetitive liquid you're exposed to.

I'm pumped about getting to use my UWW+ for the first time.

10-02-2011, 10:41 AM
I think your thread is the first thread I've seen/read truckbutt,that has a negative comment about UWWP.Interesting what would cause that type or reaction?

Sorry to hear it physically doesn't jive with you.I'm sure AG will take care of you.

10-02-2011, 10:46 AM
Sounds like you allergic to one of the ingredients. Wear rubber gloves or send the stuff to me


Scott, this is what it sounds like to me too. I use Ultima Waterless Wash + allot and I've never had an issue at all. I don't wear gloves with the exception of applying Ultima Tire & Trim Guard.

If you are allergic, gloves would eliminate this problem completely...

You need to do what's best for you and if returning it is the solution I'm certain Autogeek will work with you.

10-02-2011, 12:30 PM
I used it as a rinseless wash yesterday and had no issues.

C. Charles Hahn
10-02-2011, 01:47 PM
Good rule of thumb;
If you're not washing your hands, use gloves. Hand washing should be the only repetitive liquid you're exposed to.

:iagree: That's a great rule to have.... I don't personally follow it though :o

And really, a dish soap or car wash soap isn't significantly different than hand soap, so it should be pretty safe. There are people out there who are allergic to some hand soaps, even.

10-02-2011, 02:03 PM
I've never had a problem, I think you are allergic to an ingredient in it. I'm sure AG will work with you but if not wear gloves or send it my way.

10-02-2011, 02:06 PM
This is not an issue with AG. I didn't mention them in my post other then to say I'm calling them for a return. I'm letting people know that there is the potential for an adverse reaction to this product if used without gloves. Allergic reactions are typically manifested by redness, itching and swelling due to the release of a chemical called histamine. I did not have any of those symptoms. I did not have an allergic reaction. Burning is typically associated with a chemical irritant. While everyone's sensitivity to a chemical irritant is different, that is something that is predictable and should be listed on the product container. Yes, the product works and yes I could wear gloves. I'm not sure however that I want something that I would use a few times a week to require the use of gloves. This is not just a soap. It has Polycharger, polymers, and surfactants to remove dirt.

Flash Gordon
10-02-2011, 02:10 PM
Allergic reactions are typically manifested by redness, itching and swelling due to the release of a chemical called histamine. I did not have any of those symptoms. I did not have an allergic reaction. Burning is typically associated with a chemical irritant. While everyone's sensitivity to a chemical irritant is different, that is something that is predictable and should be listed on the product container. Yes, the product works and yes I could wear gloves. I'm not sure however that I want something that I would use a few times a week to require the use of gloves.

I just got off the phone with Max. He said for you to send it to me for further testing :)

10-02-2011, 02:32 PM
:iagree: That's a great rule to have.... I don't personally follow it though :o

And really, a dish soap or car wash soap isn't significantly different than hand soap, so it should be pretty safe. There are people out there who are allergic to some hand soaps, even.

I don't follow it much either with car soaps myself, as they don't really bother me and they're pretty gentle to begin with.

I used to stick my bare arm elbow deep in a bucket of trichlorothane, and triclorethylene (extreme parts cleaners) where I used to work. Never bothered me other than drying my skin out. Moral of the story below...

...that dang stuff was found to cause cancer and was taken off of the market. I stupidly exposed myself to a chemical because "it didn't bother me," and my employer said it was okay and didn't educate me. Now I educate myself where I can, and I often worry about what damage those chemicals may have done to me long term. Oh well...

In that regard I understand anyone's concern. It could be the mix is different in this batch. That's why I recommended calling PFC and dealing directly with them. I'm sure AG would refund truckbutt, but that isn't the point. If it's faulty PFC needs to know directly so they can take responsibility and look into it.

Allergic reactions are typically manifested by redness, itching and swelling due to the release of a chemical called histamine. I did not have any of those symptoms. I did not have an allergic reaction. Burning is typically associated with a chemical irritant. While everyone's sensitivity to a chemical irritant is different, that is something that is predictable and should be listed on the product container. Yes, the product works and yes I could wear gloves. I'm not sure however that I want something that I would use a few times a week to require the use of gloves.

Only you can make that decision. Anymore I don't rely on what someone tells me is safe or not and who is selling me a product. It's up to me and you to protect ourselves so I feel it's best to take my own precautions.

It's a simple fix really. If it bothers you, wear gloves or send it to Flash LOL!!!!:xyxthumbs:

Flash Gordon
10-02-2011, 02:39 PM
It's a simple fix really. If it bothers you, wear gloves or send it to Flash LOL!!!!:xyxthumbs:

:iagree: lol

10-02-2011, 02:48 PM
Not to joke too much about truckbutt's issue ... I really think he should contact PFC about it and see what they say, or forget about it.

10-02-2011, 03:09 PM
This is not an issue with AG. I didn't mention them in my post other then to say I'm calling them for a return.

I for one am being compassionate of your situation and am curious as what would be causing your situation but you mention "This is not an issue with AG" but your calling AG with your issue?

Anyways,good luck with your dilema and hope your issue is resolved.

Flash Gordon
10-02-2011, 03:10 PM
Not to joke too much about truckbutt's issue ... I really think he should contact PFC about it and see what they say, or forget about it.

I don't mean to make lite of it either, but what is AG suppose to do with a half empty bottle of wax? I guess they should just eat the cost because "the customer is always right" :rolleyes:

Truth of the matter is we should ALL be wearing gloves when handling products ;)