Some initial thoughts on the Rupes 21


New member
Jun 16, 2012
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So these are my initial thoughts on the Rupes 21 after about 1 hour behind it... I may or may not change my stance after more use. Also note that all of my findings are with the Kevin Brown Washer Mod.

First off, let's discuss the hype. Let's face it, the Rupes 21 has the most hype a machine has seen in quite a little while. When the new GG came out it was just a splash in the pond compared to the tidal wave of hype that the Rupes is.

I half believed that it would take only one pass of the mythical rupes to get a panel perfectly polished and LSP ready.

If you can read my tone and where I'm going with this, you will see that what I'm trying to say is this machine is great, but don't believe that it is the end all be all of DA machines. It's not magic, it still takes time and slow arm movement to achieve good results :)

Let's now talk about the throw. The throw is certainly huge, and you can tell if you move from a Griot's Garage or Porter Cable as I did. The pad seems to spin much further than you would imagine it to. This took a few moments to adjust to and then I got used to it. I have yet to do any tests (you know I like to do my tests), so I can't comment on the efficacy of the bigger throw vs the smaller throw of other DA's, but I'm sure it does help.

Let's now talk about the vibrations. This is one of those things that people keep on and keep on bringing up. Rupes = no vibrations, rupes makes your hands feel better, rupes rubs you in all the right places while you rub your paint... ok I may have just made up that last one lol.

The fact is, yes, the hype on this vibration is true. The rupes vibrations are extremely minimal. One thing I found interesting is there is a heck of a lot more vibration at speed 1 than at higher speeds like 5 and 6. It seems like the rupes wants to go fast to be vibration free.

Let's now talk about the pressure. That is another thing you won't see a rupes comment without. "You can correct with a rupes 1 handed" and such and "with the rupes, you need no pressure to correct."

Is the hype here true? Yes and no in my opinion.

Yes because all that is needed to correct is very light pressure. You only need to put enough pressure for the pad to contact the panel firmly for it to correct. I would say the weight of your hand and the tiniest amount of pressure on top.

No because I don't think that I can correct a car using this with no pressure. I tried one handed and wasn't really getting anywhere. As soon as I put on my hand and used the tiniest amount of pressure, the swirls were gone.

Now let's talk about this backing plate. This is something I have yet to hear anyone say. The backing plate holds those pads like a freaking bear hug. It takes a huge amount of pulling to take pads of that backing plate. Maybe I'm just weak, I don't know, but what I do know is that it was very hard to pull the pad off for me.

And now, let's talk some Rupes polishes and pads. "What are the pads like, what are the polishes like?" This is a question a lot of people have and not many people answer. Well here's my opinion on the YELLOW pad and polish and the GREEN pad and polish:

They're nothing special.

Yup, they work, but the polish hates being overworked, makes it rather difficult to buff off. They dust when being buffed off, but not so much when you are working them in with the buffer.

They work, but I've used better. Hell, I would go so far as to say I've used MUCH better.

I have yet to try them in heat, so I imagine they would be even worse/more finicky in the sun. As someone who lives in Florida and can't use a garage or canopy, this makes the polishes undesirable to me.

The pads are also fine, but nothing jumped out at me that made me think, "these pads are worth twice as much as the other ones I have laying around."

Let's also discuss the Kevin Brown Washer Mod. I have only used it with it on, and tried to bog down the machine (I used a huge amount of pressure) on speed 1 on purpose. Let's just say I got nowhere close to bogging down the machine. Can't comment on anything else ie washer vs no washer, which is more effective? I have no idea, and probably won't. The washer is there and I see no reason to take it out. Maybe, just maybe, for comparison purposes, but that's the only reason I can tell.

So there you go, if you got through all of this, those are my initial thoughts.

Now here are some things that I will be testing in the future:

1) Rupes 21 with 5" bp on it and 5.5" microfiber/foam pads

2) Just about every polish I have

3) Correction speed vs my GG DA.

4) Optimal speed on Rupes for compounds and optimal speed for polishes (I switched
between 4, 5, and 6 and couldn't decide which I liked best)

5) Rupes blue pad and polish and white pad and polish.

Thanks for reading :)
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Very nicely put review
Sums up pretty much EVERYTHING there is for the Rupes!!!
Great thoughts Roshan. Still debating on the 15 or 21. Your thoughts are a great resource.
I have the 21 and it cuts my time by at least 40%. That was the selling point for me and thats more money in my pocket enough said.
What were you using before Todd? Ihavacamaro I'd like to see a comparison of the griots and the rupes when you get a chance. Thanks for the review.
Very nicely put review
Sums up pretty much EVERYTHING there is for the Rupes!!!

Would you say you have the same or different thoughts as I do with the Rupes 15?

Great thoughts Roshan. Still debating on the 15 or 21. Your thoughts are a great resource.

Thanks for looking Pat! I know I haven't used the 5" bp on the 21, but I think the 21 and the extra 5" bp is the way to go to get the best of both worlds!

I have the 21 and it cuts my time by at least 40%. That was the selling point for me and thats more money in my pocket enough said.

Nice! Glad it's helping you out to such a significant degree :props:

What were you using before Todd? Ihavacamaro I'd like to see a comparison of the griots and the rupes when you get a chance. Thanks for the review.

I'll do it as soon as I can :)
If i were to write a review for the Rupes, what you have posted will be the exact same idea of i'd want to put it out there for others.
Awesome personal references about the Rupes, covered most of the question bases pretty thoroughly. Nice post :xyxthumbs: I just got mine in yesterday and about to use it here in about in hour :)
Except for RUPES 21 having: "Good Vibrations" ~ Beach Boys...
It sounds (to me) as if you don't think your money was entirely well spent.

I agree 100% with your review Roshan. I have the exact same set up as you from Kevin Brown. Got it three days ago.

My test was on a hood with light to moderate swirls with a Orange BS pad and HD polish. It got the swirls out no problem. I have been using my pc and friends flex3401 for the past year and have had great results, but the Rupes is just so smooth. Let just say I won't be grabbing the flex from my friend. Don't get me wrong the flex is a great tool, but when I was making my decision to get the Flex or Rupes I chose the Rupes and I am glad I did.

What made my purchase even better is that I spoke with Kevin Brown and he was so informative to answer any questions I had. He was a pleasure to speak with.

Again nice review!
Awesome personal references about the Rupes, covered most of the question bases pretty thoroughly. Nice post :xyxthumbs: I just got mine in yesterday and about to use it here in about in hour :)

Let us know what you think of yours!

Except for RUPES 21 having: "Good Vibrations" ~ Beach Boys...
It sounds (to me) as if you don't think your money was entirely well spent.


Bob, I would probably agree that I will never see my money's worth that I spent on the polish and the pads. However, I do really like the bag and the polisher itself. The vibration difference between a PC or GG and the Rupes is very much night and day!

I agree 100% with your review Roshan. I have the exact same set up as you from Kevin Brown. Got it three days ago.

My test was on a hood with light to moderate swirls with a Orange BS pad and HD polish. It got the swirls out no problem. I have been using my pc and friends flex3401 for the past year and have had great results, but the Rupes is just so smooth. Let just say I won't be grabbing the flex from my friend. Don't get me wrong the flex is a great tool, but when I was making my decision to get the Flex or Rupes I chose the Rupes and I am glad I did.

What made my purchase even better is that I spoke with Kevin Brown and he was so informative to answer any questions I had. He was a pleasure to speak with.

Again nice review!

Thanks for looking, and glad to hear that I'm not the only with these thoughts about the Rupes :props:
some pads come off easier. i thought the same as you on the grip of certain pads. does anyone think the cord is a little brittle and unflexible? all in on this one i love these machines.
some pads come off easier. i thought the same as you on the grip of certain pads. does anyone think the cord is a little brittle and unflexible? all in on this one i love these machines.

just used the 5" bp, my LC low profile hydrotech came off much easier than the rupes pads.
does anyone think the cord is a little brittle and unflexible? all in on this one i love these machines.

My only problem is the cord. It sucks its stiff as hell.
I felt the same way. The length also seemed to be just about right to drag the connecter on the ground behind you with the cord over your shoulder. My solution, I replaced the powercord with a 30' 16/3 piece of a 50' cord from HD. The new power cord is slightly lighter, more flexable and of adequate capacity.
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I felt the same way. The length also seemed to be just about right to drag the connecter on the ground
behind you with the cord over your shoulder. My solution, I replaced the powercord with a 30' 16/3 piece of a 50' cord from HD.
The new power cord is slightly lighter, more flexable and of adequate capacity.
Whenever I perform this type of 'operation' upon power equipment:

I always save the exised power cord for re-affixment...
if/when warranty-issues/repairs should arise at a later date.


I love my Rupes,the only downsides I do have are the same as most of yours,the cord I hate.I also think the grip on the Velcro is so really strong when I pull off a microfiber pad I actually have to PEAL it off.But again it is the best DA I have ever used hands down.
Whenever I perform this type of 'operation' upon power equipment:

I always save the exised power cord for re-affixment...
if/when warranty-issues/repairs should arise at a later date.


Thanks for adding that Bob. If I sell or give it to someone later on I will restore it to original.

This was not the easiest cord replacement I have done. Unlike other polishers I have seen the RUPES does not have screw terminals in the handle. The RUPES cord is attached with crimp connecters which must be cut out and replaced in addition to the handle and switch being a bit difficult to fit back together.
Nice review, Roshan.

Are the Rupes pads worth the extra money? Probably not, but, I still really like them! Especially, the 5" pads. They're not quite as thick and 1" smaller in diameter.

Never tried the polishes.