Audi A4 2002 Black Paint questions, and curiosities, anyone, please?


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Nov 27, 2013
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Dear Friends,

I've scheduled a 2002 Audi A4 in black for next week.

I know everything will depend on test spot, etc, but I'm willing to know what I'm to expect (or close).

For who worked on audi's paint, what are you observations regarding it? Any kind of polish you used with success?

What are your thoughts on (general) durability, I mean, I've inspected the car personally and sure it has lots of swirls and scratches, but paint also looks healthy and shiny.

Are they a good go for a higher correction, or it's enough old for such attempt?

I also understand a PTG would help me that much, I've ordered one from unrecognized source 2 months ago and haven't received it yet (but it's mail delivery's fault, sure, package is lost).

That said, any insight you can give me regarding this paint will be precious, since I'm already studying pics on the web to start tracing my approach.

I have Rupes 21, Flex 3401, foam pads, wool, MF, some Meg's polishes but mainly Menzerna Polishes.

I want to give that one a nice turnaround since customer value it a lot and it looks very promising after my inspection.

Can't wait to get it and start working.

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind Regards.
I've only worked on a couple Audi's that were newer models... I have one scheduled tomorrow as well. From my experience: Nightmare paint. Super hard and very scratch sensitive (makes no sense). Plan on at least 2 steps to achieve significant correction. Test spot of course (you already know this).

Best of luck!

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Thanks a lot my friend. Hearing your opinions will certainly makes me aware when in need of troubleshooting.

That's what I'm asking about.

And appreciate more input, for sure!
The two Audi's I've worked on were harder to correct, but after correction were fairly easy to jewel out with a finishing polish.
Hi Tato

As you alluded to, each car is different so let your test spot guide you but, I have only worked on 1 black Audi and had to resort to FG400 and MF pads, and even then it was hard work.

I have also done a few other Audi's (1 x Arctic White, 3 x Ibis White, 3 x Daytona Grey, 1 x Ice Silver and 2 x Sprint Blue ) and found them all to be on the harder side of things...

I would imagine you will probably need FG400 with your pad of choice for the initial cut, followed by SF4000 on a finishing pad to refine the finish.

I never had access to a PTG for any of those so cannot comment on paint thickness, but for what it is worth, their paint has always 'felt' of good quality <- very subjective I know....

Hope this helps a little....
Thank you so very much my friends, like we all know, test spots will guide me through this one, but listening to other's feedback are of uncountable value.

No words to thank you,

Kind Regards.
After measuring factory paint on nuemerous (20+) audis of that vintage, I find they are typically 120-140 um total build, and very consistent across the vehicle (except edges, which is to be expected). Some have been a closer to 100 um, but without knowing the history of the vehicles, it's hard to say if that was from the factory or reduced by paint correctin.

As I've said before, the only truely soft audi paint that I've ever heard of are 2 nogaro blue S4 cars of the 2002ish vintage that Mike Phillips did. So be a little careful.

All that I have worked on have ranged from decent hardness to very hard.

Both of my personal cars (a 1999 and a 2002) in light silver metallic are rock hard. They respond well to FG400 and microfiber.

I would say that the forced action of the flex will be your friend on this car.
Excellent feedback.

I'm pretty sure everything will be better known when the moment arrives, but everything written here is of extreme importance, and you all corresponded to my expectations.

Thank you so very much.

Kind Regards.

I work on audis and vws and find news cars have tougher clear coat and I have have amazing finishes with pbl polish and coating but am hoping to do one with synergy next week as well!

Will keep you updated!
Thank you very much my friends! The day finally arrived, and I took 3 days polishing (cutting, polishing and finishing) this Black Audi A4 2002.

Although it's obvious the test spot will say a lot, I'm glad I've placed a thread here and had all the precious help you all gave me.

Yes, you were spot on. Every information you gave me was of fundamental importance to get the job done.

I haven't got a lot of pics for a Show'n'Shine thread, but I made my best to get some to share here.

Let's go,

Car was really thrashed, 2002, black, neglected... what else to expect?

After coming here to ask you, I knew I was in front of a somewhat hard paint. That was the time to do my test spot and confirm the fact:

Spot of choice - back of the roof

My polish of choice for initial test is SF4000, generally on white polishing pad. This is a light approach, and gives me a good answer about what I'm dealing with.
Some passes:

And results:

Yes... hard, hard paint... Glad I was informed and prepared about that. The quality of the paint, even being 2002, as stated, is good quality. It handled all the process without any problem.

So, this is my initial step up, Flex 3401, orange Hybrid and FG400. Almost, but not enough. I thought of wool pad (I've used on some parts as well), but soon I was holding the Rupes 21 with Meg's Cutting MF disc, and the same FG400...

Heaven... This is the first shoot after the initial test spot using 21 and MF. That time I knew what I was about to do.

In some parts (like the hood), I've used the hybrid wool pad on the 3401 for the initial cut. It worked a bit more aggressively than the MF disc, however it also left some marring, like you can see bellow:

After the initial cut (80% of the car with MF and Rupes, 20% with Flex and Wool), I've polished the car using orange hybrid pad and FG400. The final finishing was done using SF4000 on a white hybrid pad and 3401. What do you think? (same spot as picture above).

Went from this:

To this:

Here's a general shoot of the car already coated with PBL Surface coating for overnight cure.

Few shots while the sun lasted, just to illustrate the improvement achieved:



Paint was chipped, had some deep scratches, but the objective was achieved and customer was radiant when he saw his 2002 car turn into a 2012, at least, well maintained. He understood the limitations of his car, and went away convinced I did my best for this turnaround.

Again (I can't stop saying this), thank you so much for taking your time helping me out. The information you all provided was fundamental to achieve the results shown above.

Have a nice day,

Kind Regards.
Rafael, I LOVE your work!! ALWAYS!! Did you ever get the washer I sent you. It makes a big difference, ESPECIALLY with MF pads! Please let me know.
Awesome work. That car looks far better than new.

How did you dress the front grille? Product and technique? One of mine is similar and I always dread having to clean and dress it.