New one for me - sticky tree sap


New member
Dec 18, 2012
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Hi everyone,

I'm working on a Mazda 3 this weekend (in black, of course - full thread coming later) that has some serious tree sap problems which I haven't encountered before.

I've washed and IronX'd and can now see all of the issues in front of me.

Normally, I'd go to the clay step at this point but am wondering if there's a better way to deal with this stuff - it has definitely done some damage and is sticky in spots and baked on in others. Here's some pics:



These are just a couple of examples of the spots that are numerous.

I did search and found a thread recommending various solutions such as rubbing alcohol, mineral spirits, tarx...of which I have none but could go grab some if that's the best approach.

I guess my question is will this stuff totally junk up my clay or should I try that first and go from there?

Thanks everyone!

Most solvent based cleaners are effective in softening and removing tree sap; rubbing alcohol and mineral spirits being common choices. A body prep solvent from your local detail supply will also be cost effective.

There are people who believe solvent products can temporarily soften a clear coat, so in that respect you may damage the finish if you prescribe to that notion.

As far as clay, yes, a solvent will damage your clay, so rinse very well after using a solvent and prior to claying. My personal process is to remove sap as part of the wash process, then clay which will in theory allow you to clay any Contaminants under the sap. Alternatively, you could clay fist and avoid any potential for damaging the clay. That said, sap is very rough on clay and you will likely throw out the clay after dealing with large amounts of sap.
Man that is a tough one to call. I am wondering if (this may sound stupid but I would do it) is wipe it with vinegar. See if that works. I know I sound like I am reaching, but vinegar works well on hard water spots. If that doesn't work...#2 try a lemon. Sounds Like I am on crack but at least I would see.

If all else fails, then of course the clay bar. IMO you will probably have to throw that clay bar away and use a new one for being cautious purposes. IMO solvents and chemicals might be too harsh.

Please let us know what you did and post what you did to get rid of the tree sap.

IMO this is a good test and a future Post for all of us.

Good luck and I hope you find my suggestions not too weird.
Thanks guys...

No suggestion too weird :xyxthumbs:

So far nothing is working - this stuff is either dried up and won't budge in some places or really stick and seemingly impossible to remove in others. Ruh-roh.

We have a winner...mineral spirits is doing the trick - slowly...

Thanks guys. :xyxthumbs:
We have a winner...mineral spirits is doing the trick - slowly...

Thanks guys. :xyxthumbs:

Can I ask what is mineral guess Calistoga soda water or Perrier. Is that it? Please let me know what the brand or type is for the future.


Never mind I did a Google Search and found out what it I never knew that stuff existed!! Please show after pics please!!
Can I ask what is mineral guess Calistoga soda water or Perrier. Is that it? Please let me know what the brand or type is for the future.



Yeah, you don't want to drink this stuff! Just generic mineral spirits I picked up in the paint section of my local Ace Hardware. Sadly, this car has LOTS of bug damage on the front bumper which is unrepairable.

Never mind I did a Google Search and found out what it I never knew that stuff existed!! Please show after pics please!!

Will do - I'll have a Show N Shine thread up when I get this thing done later this weekend. It's going to be a major challenge.

Try some Goo Gone.

Thanks - I'll give that a try if I encounter this crap again...:xyxthumbs:
Yeah, you don't want to drink this stuff! Just generic mineral spirits I picked up in the paint section of my local Ace Hardware. Sadly, this car has LOTS of bug damage on the front bumper which is unrepairable.

Will do - I'll have a Show N Shine thread up when I get this thing done later this weekend. It's going to be a major challenge.

Thanks - I'll give that a try if I encounter this crap again...:xyxthumbs:

Goo Gone is a citrus based chemical that wipes out anything sticky. At least I was in the right direction with a lemon. It is real good at cleaning the shower with hard water deposits and many other things. Maybe if you have the time give that a shot. I know I am when I encounter tree sap.

Thanks for the info rms64...I will not drink it either!!!....LOL Happy New Year!!

Do not forget to show some :Picture:when you are finished!
Most solvent based cleaners are effective in softening and removing tree sap; rubbing alcohol and mineral spirits being common choices. A body prep solvent from your local detail supply will also be cost effective.

agree - prep solvent would be my first choice for this. cheap, safe and effective. i use Maxx Solv nowadays.

i'd soak a towel, fold it and then press the towel against the spot to soften it...then wipe. i might press the towel here and there whilst pressing to soak the spot before wiping.
I have had relatively good luck with Goof Off or Goo Gone as previously mentioned. I use a q-tip and work each sap spot. gets time consuming if the vehicle is covered with them but those products have worked and are effective for me. Using a q-tip or cotton rag and finger pressure certainly insures i'll be buffing out whatever minor scratches i've inflicted but many times i get lucky and sctaches are minimal.

And it is always followed by advice to the client to avoid sap bearing trees!
My parents house is surrounded by white pines that puke sap all over everything. I use isopropyl alcohol with cotton balls to remove it. Always worked for me.
We have a winner...mineral spirits is doing the trick - slowly...

Thanks guys. :xyxthumbs:

It really depends on the type of sap. However, Mineral Spirits is a good overall solvent for sap. You could also try lacquer thinner. May get the job done even faster.
Goo-Gone is D-limonene based. D-Limonene = the oil derived from citrus skins.

You can find D-Limonene in a product called Orange Tough 40, which is highly dilutable. Good engine bay degreaser and wheel cleaner, in particular. Leaves way too much residue on stuff which you don't plan to thoroughly rinse, however.

Or you can get the pure product. I have both and I found them both useful in their own respective ways. d-Limonene, Citrus Cleaner is one place. There are others if you poke around.

Be warned about using it on a black-top driveway. It will take the tar off it if you let it drip in concentrated form. It is seriously hard core.

It truly melts things like sap and tar away. And it's non-toxic. And it's a more powerful solvent than mineral spirits.

Even though the pure stuff isn't dilutable per se, I still add a a couple drops to home-made kitchen spray. With a couple shakes it disperses just enough, plus it doesn't streak. My bathroom mirrors are flawless. (FYI, for kitchen it's 1 part IPA, 1/2 part vinegar, 1/2 part water, drop of Dawn, few drops of D-Limonene in an average sized spray bottle). Even in that form, it will eat away the seals in the spray head after a while. Be sure to use something more "chemical resistant".

I'm not so sure about using it on instrument panels etc on the interior of a car though, like as a home made all purpose cleaner. Later I'll post a picture of what I *think* it did to the Honda emblem on my steering wheel at 20:1 concentration. It's a formidable chemical. I've used it on carpets and upholstery (car and home) with no apparent negative consequence. Apparently it's also in Meguairs APC +? Not sure the concentration they use.

I'm surprised it isn't discussed more here.

There used to be an old buried thread here about Orange Tough 40 in particular. It doesn't appear to be available anymore. Here is where it used to be: