My new GG Boss 15 review - more questions than answers


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Jun 9, 2015
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Hi all - hope you find this review informative.


So today I got a chance to use my new Boss 15. I’ve been waiting for this day all week. I compared it to my 3 week old Flex 3401 and was hoping one would be a clear winner and I would sell the other one. But alas, I am left with more questions than answers.

I've always used and had great luck with BF. I've tried many products and brands and always seem to come back to them. But that has changed after today.


Three weeks ago I washed my new (it's a CPO with 10K miles so new to me) Audi S4. I used BF shampoo and washed it by hand first. Then I used the Nanoskin blue wash mitt. It was AWESOME (though I realized afterwards I goofed and didn't prep it on glass first as the instructions said). Finally I washed the car by hand a third time and dried it.

I used my new Flex 3401 with green CCS pad to apply and try for the first time BFTPS. Went on easy, cleaned the paint that last little bit in a good way (based on what the pad looked like), and wiped off easy.

Overall the car looked good when done. But I just felt as thought it could be better. It looked very sterile and artificial.

Two weeks ago I washed the car by hand and applied old trusty with a green CCS pad - BFGEP. I don't know if it's because I layered two polishes or if this application took off the TPS and replaced it with BFGEP, but definitely a much better shine. It's deeper looking, less sterile, and more engaging.

I also used my new Flex PE with 2" green pad for the front and rear fascia area and mirrors. LOVE this tool. I found the on/off switch hard to get used to, but and AWESOME tool none the less.

And Now, The Present

Today, I washed the car with my new Sonax shampoo for the first time. Very sudsy and slippery. This is a great shampoo. I then tried Sonar Fallout. There were a few purple spots on the car from iron. After washing it off, I tried Iron X Trix also for the first time. No new purple spots. I finally washed the car one last time with the blue Nanoskin mitt and dried it.

I washed the wheels with Sonar full effect wheel cleaner, and then tried the Sonax Fallout and Trix. They picked up a bit of iron the FEWC missed. Overall, I prefer the Sonar Fallout as the Trix requires shaking prior to every spray. A bit of a pain.

Time for the Boss 15!!

First, I installed the washer it came with. Then I mixed up some Duragloss 601 and 501 and used the Boss yellow pad. The machine is very smooth and easy to handle. However I had to really concentrate on the vertical panels to keep it spinning. Even when not spinning (I made a small white line), it appeared to still be oscillating (right term?) though. I let the combo dry to a haze, and removed no problem. Wow - much better shine then any of the BF products I’ve put on the car.

Then I put on a Griots black pad with the interflex ring. Note - I ended up ripping this in the end when I tried to separate the black pad from this. It just would not come off. Is it supposed to be permanently attached to the pad? I don’t know as there is no info anywhere that says this. I found this annoying as now I need to purchase a new black pad and interflex pad.

Then came application of the Collinite 845. This time, I’m not sure if it was that I had better technique, or the inter flex attachment made a difference, but virtually no issues at all with lack of spinning. Though with the interflex the machine lost a bit of its smoothness. I used the small flex with 2” black pad to do the front fascia and other small areas. Time to wipe down.

HOLLY BUFFERS BATMAN!!! The car looks frickin’ amazing. Never, ever, ever has this car or any other I’ve owned and detailed looked so absolutely amazing. Even my wife was amazed at the difference. Blackfire? Black WHO??

Closing Thoughts

I really like the Boss. Is it better than the 3401? No. Is it different? Yes. I wonder if the combo of the stroke double the size of the 3401 had anything to do with the incredible shine? Or maybe it was the Griots pads? Might the shine have been the same with the 3401 and a LC black pad? I don’t know.

I need to sell one of these machines to recoup some money, but not sure which one. The interflex issue is annoying that I now need to spend more money to replace the ripped (defective?) interflex and black pad. Would Griots make it so that once you velcro the inter flex to another pad it can never be separated? Don’t know as there is nothing on the package on anywhere I could find that says anything about it. But I do like that the Boss seemed a more tame machine to use vs. the 3401. I also think the Griot’s is a bit more ergonomic.

But seriously, the car shine is beyond description or anything that pictures can do justice to. I wonder how much of that is due to the Boss. I wonder if everything equal (pads and such) if the 3401 would produce the same results?

Thanks for the in depth review. I too own a 3401 with CCS pads. I really have been considering the boss g21 with a 5 in pad to add to my arsenal of polishers. Currently a 3401, PE8, makita rotary, griots 3in mini.
Nice review, that white paint looks great! On the vertical panels, are you holding the machine at the head and from the trigger handle or are you holding from the head and the center grip? I found the best way to get my G21 (with 5 inch plate) to stay spinning on vertical panels is to hold it from the center grip like so.


I'm a 3401 guy as well so I will admit I am spoiled by the forced rotation. I found the long throw of the BOSS takes care of most of the correction so heavy pressure isn't really needed. Just keep the pad contact centered and even and it should stay spinning. If all else fails, bump up the speed by a click and see if that works.
Nice review, that white paint looks great! On the vertical panels, are you holding the machine at the head and from the trigger handle or are you holding from the head and the center grip? I found the best way to get my G21 (with 5 inch plate) to stay spinning on vertical panels is to hold it from the center grip like so.


I'm a 3401 guy as well so I will admit I am spoiled by the forced rotation. I found the long throw of the BOSS takes care of most of the correction so heavy pressure isn't really needed. Just keep the pad contact centered and even and it should stay spinning. If all else fails, bump up the speed by a click and see if that works.

Great tip. I did hold it in the center from time to time, and as I think about it you are correct and it works better. In fact, I believe that's how I did it the second time I used it with the black pad and I had virtually no spinning issues.

Any experience with the interflex pad?
I did receive the interflex pad with my kit but I have not used it just yet since it's for 6 inch pads and I prefer 5 inch pads. I can try it out with a 6 inch disc and let you know how it goes if you'd like.
Thanks for your thoughts on the two polishers. I have been debating between a flex and a long throw polisher for awhile now. Like you said it would be interesting to know how much of the differences in your results were do to the pads/product combos and how much was because of the machine. I don't really think using the same exact pads and products with both machines is a good comparison either because the machines are not the same and what works best with one probably isn't the best for the other one. Comparing a Rupes to a Boss, then sure, but not a Flex or even regular DA to a long throw. Should use what works best with each machine and then compare the results. Of course that's easier said then done.
I did receive the interflex pad with my kit but I have not used it just yet since it's for 6 inch pads and I prefer 5 inch pads. I can try it out with a 6 inch disc and let you know how it goes if you'd like.

If you get the chance to try it, I'd be curious of your thoughts. However to be fair, my interflex was unable to be separated from the pad after use. Not sure if this is normal so be careful you don't ruin a pad in the process.
I need to sell one of these machines to recoup some money, but not sure which one.

the flex is more versatile and i like the forced rotation, i wouldn't be without mine (the QC, build quality, reputation/reliability is as good as it gets). everyone is different though on what they like/dislike in just about anything, good luck with your decision...
Direct driven machines such as rotaries and even ones that are hybrids like the Flex 3401-direct driven+orbital still have a chance of burning paint especially edges and will not finish off as well as a free floating machine. Direct drivens cut fast but free floating DA's finish better.
Great report! I just might copy your techniques.
Question---re mixing Duragloss 601 and 501, what was the ratio between the two? 50-50?

Great report! I just might copy your techniques.
Question---re mixing Duragloss 601 and 501, what was the ratio between the two? 50-50?


I did a 1 part 601 to 4 parts 501.

I bought a small salad dressing dispenser from Walmart for $2 to mix it in, dispense the product, and then just through away. The concept worked great but the item was too small. It was only 2 ounces or so which required me to mix another batch 2/3's of the way through.

I just ordered some 4 ounce dispensers from Amazon to use in the future. I wanted to order the 5 oz dispensers from AG but they are out of stock.
Direct driven machines such as rotaries and even ones that are hybrids like the Flex 3401-direct driven+orbital still have a chance of burning paint especially edges and will not finish off as well as a free floating machine. Direct drivens cut fast but free floating DA's finish better.

Hi Zubair. Although I can't prove it, it does seem like the Boss 15 finished the paint to a higher level than the Flex did previously on my car.

Seriously - I am absolutely amazed at how the car finished out with the Boss vs my previous two attempts with the Flex (yes I know it is not an apples-to-apples comparison).
The 3401 does have the forced rotation which cannot be denied! However, it's such a PITA to use. If you find the right pads, it helps the smoothness. I will be picking up a BOSS 15 shortly.
Great review! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks! It was my first attempt at a somewhat real review. I tried to cover all the bases and factors.

I still can't get over how it came out. Undeniably, the Boss 15 and pad choice influenced the outcome.

I still hope someone from AG or Griots will comment on my experience with the interflex. If it does infact permanently bond with the pad it is attached to, it should state that somewhere. Now I have to order a new interflex and black pad.
Why is everybody buying the boss instead of a rupes? They're practically the same price and it's essentially the rupes design... I know if I decide to get a long throw polisher, it'll be a rupes and not some Chinese made thing sold at a premium price.

It is a good question but based on the excellent and unbiased review has girots solved the stalling problem that appears to be user technique issue on the Rupes.

Based on what I read, the innerflex pad, motor, design and minimal technique change (with a user that was brand new to the polisher and what is amazing he didn't even use their polishes for that incredible result) may explain why most are going with Boss. I read somewhere that the Boss development team used Rupes as inspiration and improved it. I will be purchasing the Boss but buying the whole system and will compare to the flex with the informal flex system - LC Hybrid, 4 inch backing plate, menzerna and "Smack" technique.
.... not some Chinese made thing sold at a premium price.

Your certainly entitled to your opinion and purchase what you'd like with your money. I was going to purchase a Rupes at first and after much, much OCD research, I ended up purchasing the Griot's.

Respectfully, your comments are born out of either an agenda or the need to sensentionalize your views rather than articulate an intelligent and coherent difference in opinion. :)

By your logic there isn't a mobile phone,TV or computer on the market that you'd be able to purchase. And as for Apple, they may as well just close up for business.
It is a good question but based on the excellent and unbiased review has girots solved the stalling problem that appears to be user technique issue on the Rupes.

Based on what I read, the innerflex pad, motor, design and minimal technique change (with a user that was brand new to the polisher and what is amazing he didn't even use their polishes for that incredible result) may explain why most are going with Boss. I read somewhere that the Boss development team used Rupes as inspiration and improved it. I will be purchasing the Boss but buying the whole system and will compare to the flex with the informal flex system - LC Hybrid, 4 inch backing plate, menzerna and "Smack" technique.

Hi Mbpress01. For me, the Griots improves on the Rupes with better ergonomics, more powerful motor, and a better warranty.
For those who aren't aware of the difference between the Rupes and the Griot's. Pro review by Chad Raskovich of the Boss vs. Rupes from a pro that uses the Rupes:

Thoughts and Observations
I’ve been using these two polishers exclusively since December 2014 and, for reference, my previous go-to tools were the Rupes 21/15. When Jeff handed over the new Griot’s tools, I was blown away! These were clearly not just re-branded, off-the-shelf polishers, but completely new and redesigned from the ground up. In your hands, the heft indicates that these are well-built tools, comparable to my German-built Flex PE14 rotary. The edges are rounded, making the tool very comfortable to hold and reinforcing the significant consideration that has gone into each component of THE BOSS™. Unlike other tools I’ve seen, the rubber grips on THE BOSS™ are not hard or plastic-feeling, but a nice, comfortable rubber you’d want and expect. The trigger is variable-speed and instant-on, which are a welcome features. The main handle fits perfectly in your hand and the lock placement can be set effortlessly; attesting to thoughtfulness of design. Side-by-side with my comparable Rupes, THE BOSS™ offer noticeably more power and are more resistant to stalling over curved panels. With respect to vibration, I didn’t really notice a difference between Rupes and Griot’s tools, both are very smooth. The Griot’s tools are a hair heavier and while the sound of the tools have a lower (cooler sounding) tone, the actual volume “may” be a tad louder. In my opinion, given the more-powerful motor, quality bearings and construction, the weight and sound are an inconsequential trade off for greatness.

Product Details
900 watt, 7.5 amp motor
Precision-machined, steel counterbalance
Premium NSK™ bearings throughout
Variable speed, instant on trigger/throttle
Quick access brush side ports
Ergonomic design
Double-shot rubber grips on the main handle, body and head
15mm offset on the G15, 21mm offset on the G21
Interchangeable 5″ and 6″ backing plates (G15 comes with the 5″, G21 comes with a 6″)
Stainless steel washer included in tool pouch (ships uninstalled)

Conclusion, final thoughts:
I know the number one question I’ll probably get is, “Should I buy a Griot’s or a Rupes?” Let me be very clear by saying that I love my Rupes tools! Rupes was the first to market with large-throw DA machines and they have served me very well for over 2.5 years now. If you have a Rupes large-throw DA now you probably won’t realize a significant benefit by purchasing a Griot’s tool, as both will ultimately achieve the same end-goal. However, I feel the G15 and G21 are better tools in every way and if you are in the market for a new large-throw DA, my opinion is that THE BOSS™ just raised the bar to a significantly higher standard and threw down the DA gauntlet.