How do you seperate yourself apart from other detailers

detail man

New member
Mar 7, 2011
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Thought that this would be a interesting thread on how the pros here seperate themselves apart from other detailers. Also what is the number one thing you believe you did in business to make yourself stand out?
Sounds weird, but I will top off washer fluid if needed. People seem to be impressed with this.
I sign my name with a sharpie on the glove box lid. You know, like Carol Shelby did Im the MAN
Very good topic.. Until I have more time to elaborate.. Suffice to say I'm much better looking Than the other guys in my area!! Lol
I am just a part timer, so most of my stuff is word of mouth. I just treat every car like it is my own and let both my work, and what I feel is a personality that makes every customer feel like a good friend.
I've come to find after years in the business, like many others on here I'm that skilled detailers are not likely in most areas. We are few and far between.

I think the answer for all the professionals on our knowledge and skill sets us apart. Our work does the talking!

For me positive customer reviews set me FAR apart from anyone near me. I've got well over 20 positive reviews circulating on the internet. Doesn't sound like much...but it's tough to get people to go out of their way and review.

And oh yeah...I also detail all my vehicles in a speedo. That tends to be very different. HA!! Kidding of course.
I try to do a little something extra.

Today after I finished the excavator, I had 20 minutes before the client was to return. Her Mini Cooper was dusty and had some rain spots and sap on it. Quick waterless wash and everything in the driveway was shiny.

Often it's wiping the jambs, dressing the tires, applying a scent or something small that's not part of the price package, and I point it out in the post-detail inspection with the client.
I just wanted to chime in as a client, I'm not in the business but love learning and watching what you guys do here.

First for me, impression. I like people that are down to earth, honest and professional.

Second of course, the job done on the vehicle.
I notice little details and like mentioned above. Little extras really make me happy and I'm sure for all people.
I offer both mobile detailing and fixed location. My clients choose whatever is easiest for them.

I also ensure i treat every car as if it's my own. I ensure I look and act professional on every job. I also check their tire pressure and fill them if needed. Just a small thing that a lot of people like.