Pan the Organizer product line...let's discuss@


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I got called out for not letting this go and that detailing is supposed to be fun...I enjoying buying/using/shout outing the products I use, just not apart of the detailing Illuminati as I got called out by one of its members

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Appreciate you thinking I am part of a so called Illuminati.

Appreciate you thinking I am part of a so called Illuminati.

View attachment 137681
I "see you" Guz

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Appreciate you thinking I am part of a so called Illuminati.

View attachment 137681
Hopefully you keep doing whatever your doing, just surprised you don't see what's really going on here, additionally that Pan's not what he appears to be because once your critical of this guy he calls you out and name calls you, same person who has a problem with me using emoji's of all things...all true, I've got no reason to lie about any of it

Honestly...taking down that video with ALL the comments inside speaks volumes that he's a fraud, why in the world would you support a person like this

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Hopefully you keep doing whatever your doing, just surprised you don't see what's really going on here, additionally that Pan's not what he appears to be because once your critical of this guy he calls you out and name calls you, same person who has a problem with me using emoji's of all things...all true, I've got no reason to lie about any of it

Honestly...taking down that video with ALL the comments inside speaks volumes that he's a fraud, why in the world would you support a person like this

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His videos are about as interesting as watching snot dry into booger form.
Another no talent youtuber
Wait, your putting ADS in the same grouping as those 3 prouducts?

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Eddie basically formulated hero I think 4 versions tested and sent back to ADS. I’ve seen a few times he’s been on there podcast. ADS has a NON paid video by pan but has afffiliate links to them.

There definitely friends I’d say and they did a lot to blow up ADS through a lot of good reviews for them.

Not saying it’s bad products by any means but if you help my company grow I’d be good friends too. Obviously if you give the keys to your #1 product.

I’ve seen 8 videos about ADS from Eddieclet alone all these products making his top 10. Like same or more for his products.

Yeah I think they’re tight but you would be too if they help grow your own personal business…

I’m just speculating on using same blender as it happened after they blew up ADS.

I personally don’t see a big difference in these guys and what DiY did.

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Eddie basically formulated hero I think 4 versions tested and sent back to ADS. I’ve seen a few times he’s been on there podcast. ADS has a NON paid video by pan but has afffiliate links to them.

There definitely friends I’d say and they did a lot to blow up ADS through a lot of good reviews for them.

Not saying it’s bad products by any means but if you help my company grow I’d be good friends too. Obviously if you give the keys to your #1 product.

I’ve seen 8 videos about ADS from Eddieclet alone all these products making his top 10. Like same or more for his products.

Yeah I think they’re tight but you would be too if they help grow your own personal business…

I’m just speculating on using same blender as it happened after they blew up ADS.

I personally don’t see a big difference in these guys and what DiY did.

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This all sounds good, seriously, but as far as how ADS was reviewed by them it wouldn't matter to me because I never watched DJ Kalid's channel and when I did I just had to see what the fuss about, guys a clown, trying to be funny...he isnt and the other guy I've never even heard of and never looked at any of his videos

I was convinced about ADS by our very own, in-house reviewer DFB (Deyon), a car guy who pour everything into each and every post and has gained my respect through knowledge AND passion, plus being very particular

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Looks like Pan's expanded, probably reading the tea leaves, he's is pretty smart I guess...a visionary

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Eddie basically formulated hero I think 4 versions tested and sent back to ADS. I’ve seen a few times he’s been on there podcast. ADS has a NON paid video by pan but has afffiliate links to them.

There definitely friends I’d say and they did a lot to blow up ADS through a lot of good reviews for them.

Not saying it’s bad products by any means but if you help my company grow I’d be good friends too. Obviously if you give the keys to your #1 product.

I’ve seen 8 videos about ADS from Eddieclet alone all these products making his top 10. Like same or more for his products.

Yeah I think they’re tight but you would be too if they help grow your own personal business…

I’m just speculating on using same blender as it happened after they blew up ADS.

I personally don’t see a big difference in these guys and what DiY did.

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I feel like the THOR guys actually carried out a 2-3yr plan and did it pretty secretively. They definitely helped with HERO and quite a few other products (Ethos I think?). I think this helped them make their own line by just adopting what works once everyone else dialed it in. I think they burned their bridges here but ultimately were always looking to move in on a spot Autogeek left open - becoming a distributor for a lot of brands under one roof. And to be honest, they probably filled that across a new generation of detailers. They've got a lot of social media attention and a lot of brands. They run one sale and end up with an absurd amount of orders because they capitalized on carrying the most intriguing brands at the moment. Their newest collaboration with Feynlab surprised me because that seems to be more of an "older" brand. Most others they carry are new or foreign and harder to find in the US. THOR doesn't care what brand leaves their warehouse because at long as one is leaving, they're profiting.

I don't want to even start digging into blenders and all that as I spend enough time just reading about detailing topics. I think I've seen a few off-hand comments from the ADS guys that suggest they're not tied to THOR other than they know it is a necessary partnership to seize market capital. I think the THOR guys seized an opening and are probably doing well. Question is, how long will it last - Autogeek can probably advise what not to do by now.

The partnership and their defense of Pan is another story. The guy was an idiot and it seems like he prefers to do some dumb things and never really clear the air every few years. Somehow, it works for him.

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Hopefully you keep doing whatever your doing, just surprised you don't see what's really going on here, additionally that Pan's not what he appears to be because once your critical of this guy he calls you out and name calls you, same person who has a problem with me using emoji's of all things...all true, I've got no reason to lie about any of it

Honestly...taking down that video with ALL the comments inside speaks volumes that he's a fraud, why in the world would you support a person like this

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For me it doesn’t bother me as it doesn’t affect me one bit. The detailing industry has so much drama that there is no need to be sucked into it because if it does then it takes the joy out of it. This is why I was saying that detailing should be fun and to not focus on these type of things.
For me it doesn’t bother me as it doesn’t affect me one bit. The detailing industry has so much drama that there is no need to be sucked into it because if it does then it takes the joy out of it. This is why I was saying that detailing should be fun and to not focus on these type of things.
Me, me, me.... Anyone notice a pattern here?
Why does such a popular YouTuber get a free pass by his peers is what I'm trying to understand here...anyone

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This all sounds good, seriously, but as far as how ADS was reviewed by them it wouldn't matter to me because I never watched DJ Kalid's channel and when I did I just had to see what the fuss about, guys a clown, trying to be funny...he isnt and the other guy I've never even heard of and never looked at any of his videos

I was convinced about ADS by our very own, in-house reviewer DFB (Deyon), a car guy who pour everything into each and every post and has gained my respect through knowledge AND passion, plus being very particular

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Yeah and you should keep using it if it’s a good product. I think that pan video got too much vitriol. Yes it was stupid but of course he’s going to push his product.

Just feel people getting to worked up over people putting there time and effort to build a you tube channel to make a profit off of it.

Whatever folks thought of Youtube was it is a driver for advertisements like old school TV. A YouTube channel today can be a viable business and people getting to worked up on people trying to earn a living.

For me Eddie put me on a lot of great products and kinda brought me back into detailing and Pan was one of the 1st I started watching. Have they made mistakes, yeah but I and everyone judging them (including you) has.

You respect and like DFB and I do too. But his enviroment and how he uses products are completely different than yours. You just respect the man.

I was recently perplexed by DFB’s use of drying aids and realized his way of using a drying aid was what I call just an afterwash topper. How we use drying aid differs but now he’s got me excited to try Amplify.

Pan and Eddie started out the same way giving opinions. It turned into a viable business and happy for them. Most successful business do stuff we don’t like.

I give Pan a pass for all he did for me in the beginning. More meaningful than a silly video calling something he created the best is harmful. Don’t really watch him anymore so what he says doesn’t really affect me.

And for me I like Eddie watch all his videos. Feel he overhyped, yes but likes he’ll tell you something still sucks.

Jamie actually been pretty big in the community for a while but could never get into his videos.

THOR is getting a line I’ve been interested in for awhile. When it’s in I’ll probably give Clean and nemesis a try. Those guys did something for me personally…. Not to me.

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Last edited: said:

"You respect and like DFB and I do too. But his reviews and how he uses products are completely different than yours. You just respect the man."

How so? A topper is a topper and a drying aid is a drying aid, as far as I know there's one way to use them

Our reviews have turned each other on to new products and it just works for us, inspiration comes from anywhere, following him and his posts prove that out

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I guess everyone is still distracted from the “best products ever” sideshow and is missing the real point that the backlash should be centred around.

Conflict of interest and anti consumer practices.

I shouldn’t have to explain the conflict of interest part, but let’s give it a quick once over.

If you’re a brand, you can’t rank other brands. No matter what.

The anti consumer part is 2 fold. Obviously (and said in recent podcasts) THOR didn’t happen overnight. But the channels that brought THOR to life (or at least the face of it to life) didn’t hint about it until it was done and ready. From the beginning until that point, every single review, positive and negative, is essentially moot. They needed brands to join, so they hyped the brands and products to convince them. Regardless of whether or not the results or verdicts are true, this is anti-consumer.

The other thing that’s anti consumer is squashing negative reviews/constructive criticism. Anyone that says negative reviews/reviewers are band is doing it at the expense of the consumer. Take reviews with a grain of salt, but they are allowed to be posted to at least be discussed and determined if they have merit.

Yes, he should've ended his review channel as it was and re-branded it starting with a CLEAN slate:

CLEAN slate by Pan: The New Beginning

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I guess everyone is still distracted from the “best products ever” sideshow and is missing the real point that the backlash should be centred around.

Conflict of interest and anti consumer practices.

I shouldn’t have to explain the conflict of interest part, but let’s give it a quick once over.

If you’re a brand, you can’t rank other brands. No matter what.

The anti consumer part is 2 fold. Obviously (and said in recent podcasts) THOR didn’t happen overnight. But the channels that brought THOR to life (or at least the face of it to life) didn’t hint about it until it was done and ready. From the beginning until that point, every single review, positive and negative, is essentially moot. They needed brands to join, so they hyped the brands and products to convince them. Regardless of whether or not the results or verdicts are true, this is anti-consumer.

The other thing that’s anti consumer is squashing negative reviews/constructive criticism. Anyone that says negative reviews/reviewers are band is doing it at the expense of the consumer. Take reviews with a grain of salt, but they are allowed to be posted to at least be discussed and determined if they have merit.


I guess everyone is still distracted from the “best products ever” sideshow and is missing the real point that the backlash should be centred around.

Conflict of interest and anti consumer practices.

I shouldn’t have to explain the conflict of interest part, but let’s give it a quick once over.

If you’re a brand, you can’t rank other brands. No matter what.

The anti consumer part is 2 fold. Obviously (and said in recent podcasts) THOR didn’t happen overnight. But the channels that brought THOR to life (or at least the face of it to life) didn’t hint about it until it was done and ready. From the beginning until that point, every single review, positive and negative, is essentially moot. They needed brands to join, so they hyped the brands and products to convince them. Regardless of whether or not the results or verdicts are true, this is anti-consumer.

The other thing that’s anti consumer is squashing negative reviews/constructive criticism. Anyone that says negative reviews/reviewers are band is doing it at the expense of the consumer. Take reviews with a grain of salt, but they are allowed to be posted to at least be discussed and determined if they have merit.

Almost everyone 😉

Other than that good take 👍
I bring it up because none of his peers called him out, that's my issue with his peers and with him it's the obvious

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I bring it up because none of his peers called him out, that's my issue with his peers and with him it's the obvious

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His peers are a bunch of brain dead nincompoops