what happens if there is damage from a rock chip or there needs paint correction? how hard is it to be removed? Seems like quick repairs options like Dr. Color chip can't be done after ppf. Are there any alternatives for a day trip on the highways? Back in the old days I would put a bra/nose mask on the car for trips then take off after.

Rocks can damage PPF. It has a clear coat layer that will indeed road rash over time too. If the surface is polished and sealed or coated prior to install, it will be easily and safely removed. It's not uncommon to do. It's going to take a larger rock or debris to chip paint under it. The old school masks from the 80's look horrible and typically abraded the paint thus should be avoided. IMO, do PPF and move on. It's worth it and a great upgrade for nearly any vehicle.
I've had one "ballastic" chip thru the PPF in 10 years and 278K miles. The rock hit the hood and left a chip in the windshield.

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The removal after the rock chip of ppf requires a professional? Will the paint not match be a different color if the ppf is removed?
The removal after the rock chip of ppf requires a professional? Will the paint not match be a different color if the ppf is removed?

Yes to professional removal, no to non matching paint.
I hate rock chips. my questions is will ppf make me crazier being that I can't do a dr color chip fix. plus the added cost of removal in order to do paint correction. thoughts?
I hate rock chips. my questions is will ppf make me crazier being that I can't do a dr color chip fix. plus the added cost of removal in order to do paint correction. thoughts?

IMO you're over-thinking it. It's not worth it to do a removal, repair and re-application unless it's a huge chip that makes it's way through the PPF.
other than the cost any downside to PPF

PPF will get damaged instead of the paint. Once damaged, it looks worse than the paint because touch ups really show on PPF. So what are you gonna do, replace it everytime there is a stone chip in it?

Assuming you leave it there several year and live with how it looks, when it is time to remove it, you will have to pay for removal. If it's hard to remove, that can be quite costly.

PPF change color over time so they become more visible. It's not as bad as it was before but there is a difference.

If you don't do a full pannel, the line starts to show over time as dirt accumulates on the edge in the middle of the pannel. In the worst cases, dirt goes under the PPF and lift the edge. I would only do full pannels for that reason.

I think that's pretty much it.