What did you do today non-detailing related?

A nice order of fishing lures arrived.
I may have a problem

I love top water fishing and have caught a lot of fish in medium to large top water crawlers. Super excited to try these tiny ones

The dragonfly ones are pretty sweet too. I have a couple of those already











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I love Japanese fishing lures. I've got a bunch of bounty fish that I need to test out. I also have this weird thing that's jointed, its super light.. like its made out of Styrofoam or something and has a black spinner on the bottom. I think I paid $65 for it and I've never used it lol I'll try to get a picture of it when I get home Saturday.

My wife thought I was crazy for buying a $350 crankbait rod.... until the $500 Megabass X-Bites showed up.. then she deemed me clinically insane.

Edit: I found itScreenshot_20250115_215231_Chrome.jpg
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Went for 8km walk was done in 1 hour 45 mins my normal time is 1 hour 30 mins but have been busy so working on getting that time back and losing some belly fat. 💃
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Went for 8km walk was done in 1 hour 45 mins my normal time is 1 hour 30 mins but have been busy so working on getting that time back and loosing some belly fat. 💃
I average between 15-20 minutes per km when I walk the dogs, but there's lots of stops involved. Occasionally we get down to a 12 minute km, but there's usually rabbit scent when this happens.
Fired up the snowblower for the first time this winter. Switched to ethanol free gas a few years back and run it dry for storage. Fired immediately.

Hopefully I don’t need it tomorrow.

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I average between 15-20 minutes per km when I walk the dogs, but there's lots of stops involved. Occasionally we get down to a 12 minute km, but there's usually rabbit scent when this happens.
Got to let the dog's have a good sniff, I had my brother's dog for a week while they were on the Gold Coast the dam thing didn't want to walk so we watched (Passenger 57) and (Kingpin) both classic 90s films!
Got to let the dog's have a good sniff, I had my brother's dog for a week while they were on the Gold Coast the dam thing didn't want to walk so we watched (Passenger 57) and (Kingpin) both classic 90s films!
I enjoyed Passenger 57, Snipes was good in US Marshals as well. I haven't seen Kingpin, I might give it a watch.
Well now I'm going to have to try and find it.
I like the working off the rent sence, I had to rent it Dave through Fetch TV the TV in the lounge room isn't a smart one, the others in the house are.

I found the Fetch box good but only got it because bigpond movies
but i would like a one stop app for 80s - 90s classic's because Hollywood don't make them like they used to.
I went to the golf driving range again today. I normally hit a bucket of 75 balls, which would be a very good game for me. I hit a lot of average ones, some bad ones, and some absolute screamers, one of which left this imprint of the ball on my 3 wood, it shows how much the ball compresses when you hit it just right, the ball made a lovely hissing noise as it came off the club face, it almost sounded like it was deflating. My clubs are Palmers, and there about 20 years old.
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I went to the Golf range once only to snap the culb in half it was embarrassing. 🤭
I went to the Golf range once only to snap the culb in half it was embarrassing. 🤭
I had a rich customer who use to invite me to play golf all the time
I finally gave in. 2nd or 3rd swing I bent the shaft on his $500 club
He never invited me back. We still laugh about it though
Unclogged my bathroom drain...yuck. Took everything apart and cleaned it. According to my LOG, it's been 5 years, so I guess that's not too bad.
Big Dave, nice pickup! My brother used to have one of those X-34 Landspeeders, he got it used, it had a problem with the ion drive.
