This is all true IMO
I can't/won't try and interpret "right situation" for Klasse, but the right situation for ME using Hero is a lightly dusty or very lightly rain drop/dust spotted car, and absolutely not anything bonded or layered or caked or road filmed, it simply will not clean that stuff in my world under my conditions
I don't get all moist over scent or protection from a RW; first and foremost, I want it to clean, be as lubricated as possible, and release the dirt from a sponge, should I choose to use one
ONR does this better than Hero, and N-914 does it even better under my circumstances
I don't want or need a whole separate space for handfuls of different RW products, I have tried several, found what works, and I am OK with that
If a RW will clean a DIRTY car and satisfy the other requirements, why do I need more than 1 (ONR is always there because of all the other uses where it shines, as well as being a capable RW)
I stirred the pot on this thread because I have been thinking about and trying to find a more economical RW to put in my rinse bucket for the sole purpose of helping the dirt get released from the sponge without having to double the amount of my main RW that I am using
Since I started using a sponge I am making up 3 or 4 gallons of RW, depending on which car I am cleaning, in my wash bucket with a grit guard and I am making up 4 gallons of RW in my rinse bucket with a grit guard
So I am using 3 1/2 to 4 oz of either ONR or N-914 per wash, because I dump whatever is left over at the end
4 oz of RW concentrate per wash is not going to break me but I thought that if I could substitute one of these new 900:1 RW products solely in my rinse bucket, and get good or even better dirt release, and not mess up the chemistry for the whole process, maybe that might be a cool thing and save me a buck in the long run
Maybe I am full of crap too