Spray Sealants - 3-6 months

I'm not sure you can make blanket statements like that. David B, the original owner of Autopia, creator of the Sonus and Ultima brands, as well as a consultant to the creation of the 3D HD product line (now defunct), was pretty transparent about his role in his brands and pretty thoughtful about how to look at other brands that were also outsourced like his (although his thoughtfulness in the instance I'm thinking of was really to make a point about a competitor).

In any of these products, there is going to be some combination of product/ingredient quality, hype, marketing, salemanship, etc. So I don't think for every line, every product, there is a direct relationship between those elements and the cost. Above, you are suggesting that Pan's wash is almost 4 times as expensive as Turtle Wax, yet will be no different. I would surmise that Pan's wash will be better than the Turtle Wax...however, almost 4 times better? Unlikely, but Pan's following, salesmanship, hype, etc. will allow him to convince people to buy it at that price.

I mean really this is no different than what goes on in the supermarket. Store brand vs. name brand. The store brand could be the name brand in a different bottle. Or it could be some cheap crap. Figuring that out, and whether you buy the name brand, is another story.
I'm not sure you can make blanket statements like that. David B, the original owner of Autopia, creator of the Sonus and Ultima brands, as well as a consultant to the creation of the 3D HD product line (now defunct), was pretty transparent about his role in his brands and pretty thoughtful about how to look at other brands that were also outsourced like his (although his thoughtfulness in the instance I'm thinking of was really to make a point about a competitor).

In any of these products, there is going to be some combination of product/ingredient quality, hype, marketing, salemanship, etc. So I don't think for every line, every product, there is a direct relationship between those elements and the cost. Above, you are suggesting that Pan's wash is almost 4 times as expensive as Turtle Wax, yet will be no different. I would surmise that Pan's wash will be better than the Turtle Wax...however, almost 4 times better? Unlikely, but Pan's following, salesmanship, hype, etc. will allow him to convince people to buy it at that price.

I mean really this is no different than what goes on in the supermarket. Store brand vs. name brand. The store brand could be the name brand in a different bottle. Or it could be some cheap crap. Figuring that out, and whether you buy the name brand, is another story.
^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^
Well admittedly I have not tried Pans wash shampoo but I have used Slick and Slide. I cannot imagine Pans car wash shampoo would make my vehicle any cleaner than the Turtle Wax shampoo. Which at least for me is the goal. To clean my vehicle. The turtle wax cleans great, foams fine, has great lubricity, smells good and leaves nothing behind. That is what car wash shampoo is all about.
So I don't know if Pans shampoo does those things better but I can say the Turtle Wax is fine for my needs. The boutique brands with admittedly a few exceptions do not justify 2/3/4 times the cost.
In a chemical commodity market there are quality levels as you'd expect. Knowing Pan, I'm sure he sought-after top-quality chemistry. But as I see it, we're always really splitting hairs between products. We're seeing diminishing returns and really seeing marginal differences.

I guess this is the age of YT detailers.
I'm certainly not one of Pan's regular viewers, so I had to force myself to watch his product line videos.

Will be interesting to see how this "pans" out. He has made a fortune in promoting brands and products, either a paid or off his own bat. So now that he will be promoting his own products, will he see a drop off in viewers and subscribers? No doubt the products will be good, he insists this won't be a white label endeavor, think Detail Geek or Patterson Car Care. But engaging with viewers that are looking for product and brand recommendations is different from advertising your own line of products. This will be a double-sided risk to his income, from YouTube revenue side of things, but also the financial risk associated with the commission of chemists, manufacturing, distributing and marketing a ground-up brand. I guess they call him Pan the Advertiser for a reason.

In my eyes, he lost me with some of the antics he played here on the Autogeek forum. He would drop into the video section, post an embedded link to his latest video, then disappeared with no engagement whatsoever. Actually, he did engage, but only when someone questioned this behavior or critiqued his video, where he would become quite rude. Many started to call him out for this, in the end he disappeared. He even attacked commenters who genuinely asked how his channel would function from now onwards, as in impartially reviewing other brands and products. I suspect this is why he waited until having a million subs before this new venture. Having such a huge following, if he drops a few from this move, he would still have a big audience, ie revenue.

The same thing happens with another YouTuber under the Stauffer Garage name. Difference here being he was already selling a line of products, so his video drops on this forum were two-fold, to boost his YouTube revenue and sell his product. He also sells training sessions on how to monetize a YouTube channel. Actually, looking at that line of products, it appears to have run its course.


In both cases, I'm not begrudging these two for selling product or promoting their "brand identity". My problem lies in how they conduct themselves among their peers by lobbing a video, then p.ssing off with no engagement or contribution to the community. They are not there providing insight, answering questions or helping others. And when questioned about this attitude, they become quite nasty. I get it, their outlet is via video and not a forum. But again, don't post the video if you have no interest engaging in the forum format.

My 43 cents.
These guys love to see themselves talk. It seems like everyone wants to their own line sell detailing products and become defensive of their ego. My takeaway is that there are so many products that are more than good enough when used under reasonable conditions. How many best products can you have? A good detailer can make the most out of many products.

You hear terms like game changers, etc. when they really are not especially in commodity products like washes (regular or rinseless), and various types of cleaners (now down to specifc surfaces).

As for Pan's video on his big reveal, it is interesting tha you need to watch a commercial to see a commercial. He says "I believe them to be the best". Modesty.
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I personally am not drawn to YT'ers coming out with their own line. Time will tell how it's received.
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yeah i've been thinking about getting another can. Its going to be discontinued in canada i read. Its really good stuff.
It is discontinued as well as most of their aerosols and BSD etc. Pity as I used lots of their stuff.

As for Pans stuff it would have been great to see a Canadian supplies of detailing supplies to compete up here, but his prices are way to high :(
Just went to house of rags website and looked at Pans line of products. They are just as I suspected and that is pricey.
For example $19.00 for a 16 oz bottle of car shampoo. I can get a half gallon of Turtle Wax, Slick and Slide for $20.00.
I highly doubt one is better than the other and both would be found to give the same experience.
TW sucks.
TW sucks.
Care to explain that? Many people would disagree with that statement.
Not all Turtle Wax products are great but they have stepped up their game over last several years. They offer many very good products , (Hybrid Solutions Line ) at very competitive prices.
If people want to pay 3-4 times the cost for a product that does basically the same thing just to have the product in a designer bottle then go for it. I for one am not drinking the Kool Aid.
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I've used a few of TW's products over the years and most recently Their Hybrids Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating. For an inexpensive spray sealant it was really durable, but from an appearance standpoint it was mid-pack, and for a ceramic spray product it's beading/sheeting was rather sub-par.
I'm sure their products have improved quite a bit over time. I could see that in the durability of the Hybrids Solutions product I tried. However, I think they are still behind Meguiars consumer products in some cases or even the more affordable products from companies like Griots. Blanketing everyting more expensive as not being worth it is a bit misleading. If you know the right products from the right brands, spending a little more money (often not that much more) will get you a much better product depending on what you want.
I've used a few of TW's products over the years and most recently Their Hybrids Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating. For an inexpensive spray sealant it was really durable, but from an appearance standpoint it was mid-pack, and for a ceramic spray product it's beading/sheeting was rather sub-par.
I'm sure their products have improved quite a bit over time. I could see that in the durability of the Hybrids Solutions product I tried. However, I think they are still behind Meguiars consumer products in some cases or even the more affordable products from companies like Griots. Blanketing everyting more expensive as not being worth it is a bit misleading. If you know the right products from the right brands, spending a little more money (often not that much more) will get you a much better product depending on what you want.
The only TW product I currently have is their HS Hyper Foam Wheel Tire Cleaner, and other than the horrendously bad sprayers they use I think it is a good product, especially since CarQuest parts store frequently has a BOGO or BOGHO, and I can pick up 2 bottles for the cost of a couple of lattes

I bought a few other HS products at the CarQuest store when I lived in Hawaii and none of them impressed me at all

I have heard anecdotally that their Slick & Slide Wash is good stuff and I wouldn't mind trying it, except for the fact I have to order it in and I don't like depending on that for high use items

I will still probably order a jug with an Amazon order and see what's what

I did notice that Autozone has the big 64oz jug of Griot's Brilliant Finish car wash but I am hesitant to try it (not sure why)
I really like their Hybrid Solutions Tire Wheel/Tire cleaner. Stuff works great. Only TW product I've used.
I really like their Hybrid Solutions Tire Wheel/Tire cleaner. Stuff works great. Only TW product I've used.

Testing Tapatalk

Testing Testing

I concur

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I like the TW Wheel and Tire cleaners, in both HS and standard lines, they seem very similar if not the same. I also like their Inside Job, but will probably try something else when that runs out.

I recently applied TWHS Graphene Infused to the Max Wax as a LSP on the FJ, I bought it in the clearance bin for $10, I was thinking of using it on wheels. I wasn't completely satisfied with it, but it was OK. But after the last wash I dried using TWHS Ceramic Wet Wax, and it worked very well, very easy drying and the gloss was incredible. I'll get to test the hydrophobicity in the next couple of days, we're expecting a few inches of rain.

Is it possible some of their products don't impress in isolation, but work very well together.
I like the TW Wheel and Tire cleaners, in both HS and standard lines, they seem very similar if not the same. I also like their Inside Job, but will probably try something else when that runs out.

I recently applied TWHS Graphene Infused to the Max Wax as a LSP on the FJ, I bought it in the clearance bin for $10, I was thinking of using it on wheels. I wasn't completely satisfied with it, but it was OK. But after the last wash I dried using TWHS Ceramic Wet Wax, and it worked very well, very easy drying and the gloss was incredible. I'll get to test the hydrophobicity in the next couple of days, we're expecting a few inches of rain.

Is it possible some of their products don't impress in isolation, but work very well together.

I tried the HS Ceramic Wet Wax in Hawaii and when it worked it was very nice but it also got streaky at times on the little blue car and I never figured out why

It worked well on the Tacoma

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